Chapter 8

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The next day was sunny, and I was up with the sun. I was at the window when I heard the knock on the door, and I half-turned, unsure if I wanted to answer it. Eventually, I did, and the door opened, revealing the mage. I turned around fully, and stared at him, unconsciously crossing my arms. He blinked, momentarily startled, but he gained control of his expression quickly.

“Are you hungry?”

“Are you offering?” I retorted, and he blinked again before nodding slowly.

“I suppose I am. Would you like something to eat?”

I studied him, knowing something of his past. He didn’t know how much could be seen in his eyes. “Maybe.”

He barely stopped his scowl from forming, and I stifled a smile. “Come on, then,” he said, just a touch impatiently. He disappeared down the stairs, and I followed him after only a slight hesitation. Along the way, I got distracted by the library, and slipped inside. The presence of earth elementals was strong here, and I understood why. As a mage, he would want his books well looked after. I roamed the huge room, not getting lost despite the size and clutter. After a few moments, there was sound behind me, and I spun to see an earth elemental staring at me. I took in her dark eyes and blond hair, and knew exactly who she was.


“Isla?” Her voice was a whisper, and I grinned, coming towards her. I took her hands, letting our elements mingle as our tattoos came in contact with each other, the colours mixing.

“Who else?” I asked, and gave her a hug. “We’ve missed you, and your touch, Sofie.”

The other elemental looked away. “It’s been a long time,” she admitted. “But why – how – what are you doing here? You never come into this world anymore.”

I sighed. “He summoned me.”

She gaped at me, true shock showing in her eyes. “What?”

I nodded. “Yes.” We began walking through the clutter of the library, and she absently put books away as we spoke.

“But…you? You’ve never… I thought it was impossible for you to be summoned.”

“I know. The world is changed, Sofie.”

She stopped and looked at me. “But, Isla,” she protested softly. “We can’t risk you being here. You know what you are!”

“I do, Sofie. But there’s nothing we can do now.”

She sighed, and turned to a nearby bookshelf, hiding her face from me. I put a hand on her shoulder. “Sofie.”

She didn’t move, refusing to look at me. “They need you there, Isla,” she whispered.

“I know. But I have no choice. I can’t return.”

She nodded, and glanced over her shoulder at me. “Don’t anger him, Isla. He can be ruthless.”

I snorted. “He will get what he deserves.”

She sighed again, shaking her head. “Just…be wary, Isla. Please. His past has made him difficult to understand.”

I nodded, grateful for the warning. “Thank you, Sofie.” We kept walking, roaming the library.

“What’s going to happen, Isla? If you’re not there…”

I shrugged. “They will have to wait, Sofie. He’s not letting me return for a while.”

“What?” She stared at me, dark eyes full of shock. “He can’t do that! It’s –”

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