Dinner party

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Goodness the tension in this room could be cut with a knife. After making introductions I fumble around in the kitchen and help Ace set the table up whilst Adam stands there severely pissed off. I wonder why he's so angry maybe one of his girls stood him up.

Hearing the doorbell ring I gladly leave the room and go to open it and get the pizzas. Placing them on the table and opening them I excitedly grab a huge slice of pepperoni pizza as Adam and Ace take there seats. We all silently eat for a minute before I let out a squeal of happiness. "You ordered nachos and cheese balls!" I beam at Ace.

"So how long have you two been together?" Asks Ace glancing between me and Adam.
"Hahaha no me and Adam are best friends, we've been friends for years."

"Hmm is that so, are you sure there's no.... ulterior motive behind his friendship."
"What does that mean?" I'm seriously confused and look to Adam for help. He however seems to be focused on staring down Ace.
"Adam you haven't even started eating your pizza it's getting cold." I say to him.
Ace seems to find that really funny and says " Hey Adam how have you resisted for so long, I mean it just looks so tasty."

At this Adam lets out a growl looks like he's about to start tackling Ace right there. For some reason I don't think Ace was talking about resisting the urge to eat the pizza.

"What is going on with you two?" I wonder aloud.
"He's just jealous that I'm better looking than him." Replied ace with a sad shake of his head.

"Okay well since your both clearly not hungry how about we watch a movie."
"Actually I need to be heading home and Aria you should come stay at mine, it's not safe without your mum being home." Says Adam not breaking eye contact with Ace.

Putting his arm around my shoulders and smirking widely Ace says "She's perfectly fine here with me, don't worry I'll protect her from all the monsters." Shrugging of his arm I say "Thanks Adam but we have school tomorrow and I think I'll have an early night in, I'll see you tomorrow though."

Before he could protest Ace had shoved him out the door and slammed it shut.
"Hey, you didn't have to shove him out like that."
"How are you two friends, he's the biggest bore I've ever come across."
"He's not usually so... angry ."

"Umm well I think I might head up now."
"What its only 9 grandma, you can't go up to bed right now, how about... we play a game!"
"A game? What kind of game" what were we 12.
"Hmm how about 21 questions it'll help us get to know each other better."
"Umm okay then no drinking though I have school tomorrow."

I guess it's better than just going to my room and I really actually wasn't tired at all.
Grinning mischievously he walked into the room and I followed behind him not sure what I was getting myself into.

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