The Cereal Killers

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Ace lets go of me and I quickly run to Adams side who.
"Aria please, I promise I wouldn't ever  hurt you. It's what I was going to do at first but from the moment I met you I've felt a draw to you that I can't explain. I tried a couple times to capture you but I just couldn't...."

"BULLSHIT you'd never hurt her! That's the most outrageous thing I've ever heard." Adam pulls the trigger to his huge machine.

Maybe it was the raw tone of Aces voice or the genuine look in his eye but I couldn't let Adam do anything rash . "Wait no don't Adam let's hear him out."

"You can't actually be believing the lies he's telling you, as soon as I put this gun down Aria he's going to kill everyone in this house because that's what his kind do, there evil savages who can only kill."

At this Ace flinched as if the words physically hurt him. " If you shoot him now your no better Adam and I know your better than him so let's listen to what he has to say please."

I place my hands on his arm and gently lower it. He reluctantly does. 
"Thank you." I say and hold his hand.
He takes a deep breath and says "Start talking." Whilst still holding the gun but aiming it toward the floor now. It was better than nothing I guess.

" I was obviously sent here to retreat you back to our elders. They had sent others before but they either couldn't get through the wards protecting your house or Adam took care of them. So they sent me one of there best warriors."

"The first night I came here I was planning on capture you when your mum left for her shift at the hospital but you invited Adam over for dinner so I couldn't touch you. "

"Then after our game I tried to again capture you when you were in bed, but you looked so innocent and calm sleeping that I couldn't bear to see you disturbed, you usually look tense.So I didn't do anything and planned to do something the next day instead."

Shocked I gasp "You were the figure standing over me with bared teeth. I thought I imagined that!"

He lowers his head and nods "From then on I didn't try for anything for a week. In that time I got to know you and realised how compassionate and caring you were Aria. It pained me everyday to think about hurting you. You left me stunned and I started seeing the world in a different light."

Adam let out a loud grunt "Stop with the theatrics we all know monsters aren't capable of seeing anyone more than prey."

Ace looks pissed at Adam and clenches his jaw but carries on.
"The elders were getting restless and so they sent another fellow warrior to see what was taking me so long. I told him I was getting good information out of you and witnessing your visions firsthand. It had me really worried though I didn't know how I could string the elders along any longer. So I took you out partying and made a fake attempt to take all your memories which convinced them for the time being."

"Ever since then I've been trying to come up with a plan on how to protect you. When I was given this mission I didn't know why your visions were so special but after I witnessed them first hand I realised what the elders wanted to do to the world and it terrified me. I didn't want anything to do with it and it all had to do with you Aria."

Now he looks at Adam directly " I want to help you protect her I know you don't trust me so you can search though my caecos loco."

I don't know what a caecos loco was but I knew it had to be a pretty big deal because I don't think I'd ever seen Adam look more shocked in my life.

He steps forward and then cautiously touches a spot on Aces back between his shoulder blades. Suddenly Adam gets a glazed look in his eyes and I step forward to help him. As I'm think about what to do Ace groans in pain for a solid 30 seconds.

"Ummm I think you need to stop what your doing guys it's creepy and it's quite frankly plain weird."

Just then Adam jerks his hand back and his eyes return to normal and Aces face relaxes.
"Does someone care to explain the hell just happened there?"

"I gave him access to my mind to put it in short terms. It's something really personal and all vampires usual guard and protect there caecos loco as if someone gained access to it they could erase or alter your mind as well as see your mind and memories which is why I let Adam touch it. Now he knows I'm not lying."

"It looked painful, I cant believe you gave him access to your mind."
" I wanted him to know I fully intended to help and protect you and know that I'm not lying or back stabbing you."

" Okay so you can start of by telling us how your kind work and what there next action will be." Says Adam narrowing his eyes at Ace as if he still didn't fully trust him."

"After they realise I'm taking too long capturing Aria they'll send other vampires to help so we have to keep our guards up and get rid of them. I guess after a while the elders will realise something wrong is happening at which point one of them will probably come themselves and we'll need back up from your kind Adam to kill the elder."

Even though he had pledged his alliance to us I knew it pained him to talk about hurting his own kind. For some strange reason I felt the urge to comfort him but I shoved it back down.

Adam talked strategy and defence for a while and even jotted things down on paper. He was taking this a lot more seriously than I expected.

Rubbing his palms together Ace smiles like lucifer might have smiled moments before falling from hell.
"What shall our team name be then friends, I'm thinking The Terrible Threesome, ooh or how about The Cereal Killers!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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