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We both sit in the car outside his house in silence for a bit. Finally I can't take it any longer "So what did you want to tell me."

He takes a deep breath "Okay here it goes. Now it will probably sound crazy but please listen to me until the end of you trust me and value our 9 years of friendship."

His words and serious tone scare me but I nod reassuringly.

" This world is not what you thought it was. There's much more to it than you ever thought.

There's two species of vampire that exist. Ones called 'lux' and the others called 'tenebris' which translate to light and dark in Latin. I'm from the Lux species. We're protectors of evil on this earth and especially destroyers of The Tenebris vampires.

I was assigned to protect you 9 years ago because you Aria are no regular human. Those nightmares you always have, there actually prophecies or visions of what the future could be if the Tenebris took over.

They know that you have visions of this and so want to take you and use you to make sure there plan to destroy the world is carried out.

So far they've tried and failed to come close to you, but then they sent Ace or as his actual name is 'Braeden'."

His whole confession leaves my mind reeling and I hyperventilate for a good 2 minutes.
" I know this is all so crazy and I wish I didn't have to put you through this but you must know for your own safety. Your the first human ever to find out about us."

" But I've know you since we were 9 you grew up with me how did you do that."

"It was merely an illusion or glamour of sorts. I aged every year with you but in actual fact I'm 456 years old but we all stop ageing in our 20s so without my glamour I look like how I do now."

" you drink blood.. I mean from h..humans."
"I steal blood bags from hospitals or sometimes drink from wild animals , you can ask me anything you need to. I would never hurt you Aria, you started off as my job but I quickly grew to love you and I'd protect you with my life."

Suddenly I gasp "OMG my mums at home with Ace/Braeden whatever his name is , I have to get home she can't be alone with him!"

I quickly ran out and Adam was there behind me. We rapidly drove to my house and I ran inside knocking into the devil himself.

"Where's my mum I swear to god if you've hurt her I'll kill you."

He gently holds me back from him looking really taken aback himself.
"I know what you are, Adam told me everything so get out of my house right now."

He pales slightly "look whatever he said is probably not tru.."
Angrily cutting him of I say "Oh so your not a tenebris whose here to kill me or steal me and my nightmare visions to destroy the world."

"Look just let me please explai..."
"I don't care what you have to say just get out now." I cut him off again
"I can't"
"WHAT! what do you mean you can't."
"I have been sent here to this house I physically can't leave unless it helps the mission."
"YOU CANT PHYSICALLY LEAVE MY ASS, I'll drag you out if I have to and your never coming back! You better stay way from me and my mom.
Wait how did you make my mum believe your story about the high school friend thing?"
"I....... I compelled her to believe  that story"

"What the hell does compel her mean, I don't speak vampire lingo."
Paling even more he says "Its when a vampire can make a human do or believe anything it's short for compulsion."

Fuming I try to slap him but he gently and firmly grips my wrists and stops me. I then struggle against him and try to beat his chest  with my bound fists but he gently keeps his hold on my wrists. 

"Look please just let me explain everything okay I would never hurt you."
I scoff at his obvious lie and try to pry free from him.

Just then Adam walks in with a huge shotgun looking machine.
"Let go of her now!"

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