Chapter 35 - Death

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Everything happened so fast.

Goten and Trunks arrived at the battlefield fused and attacked this Tagoma asshole, but parted again. Then there was something happening you couldn't understand, Tagoma 'changed' and fought with Gohan, who was about to kill him.

Sadly, Frieza wanted to kill the half-Saiyan first, turning him into Swiss cheese by firing several death beams at him. And it got even worse. You had to see Piccolo die, who wanted to save Gohan by stepping in between him and his opponent.

You were shocked. If only you didn't come. You were weak, you should have stayed at home. Tears of fear and sadness started to stream down your face, you had to get out of here.

You carefully leaned to the side to see what was currently going on: Gohan used the last bits of his strength and powered up again.

That would disturb Frieza for sure, so you decided to be brave and left your hiding spot, carefully moving towards Bulma, who waved at you.

"My, my. What do we have here, a little maggot left alive?" You heard him say in his arrogant and blood-curdling tone, which caused you to freeze.

"Don't touch her!"

Another voice. A voice you didn't hear in months. You turned around to see Bardock, Goku and Vegeta. Thank Kami.

"DAMN IT, RUN!" Bulma yelled, which made you jolt up and run as fast as you could, but you stopped as someone grabbed your hair, forcefully yanking your head back.

"I said don't touch her!" Bardock shouted from the top of his lungs, drawing Frieza's attention to him.

"Bardock." He stated with a bitter expression. "How did you survive?"

"Do you really expect an answer? But I could tell you, today is the day you'll die anyway." He smirked and wanted to launch an attack, but Frieza put you in front of him and grabbed your throat.

"Attack me and I'll kill her."

"You're such a dirty bastard."

"How heart-warming. You care about your little friend here, I thought all of you stupid monkeys were dumb as hell and only cared about fights and bad food."

Goku tried to hold him back, but Bardock's pride was now stronger than every other emotion or sanity.

He launched in the tyrant's direction to attack him with full force.

"Fine. You want it that way." He smirked and you felt the adrenaline rushing through your veins, he would kill you.

But he didn't, he just threw you in the direction of your former mate, who catched you with ease.

"I'll kill her later, when I've beat you half to death and you can't to anything but watch." Then he turned to the other Saiyans.

"Shall we, Son Goku?"

"Yeah, but I'll beat you just like the last time." He grinned and everyone watched Frieza transform into his final form, killing off all the remaining soldiers to show off his power.

The two began to fight, but you didn't care. You were back in Bardock's arms, holding your hurting head with tears in your eyes.

"Are you alright?"

"It hurts, but at least I'm still alive... Why are you here, why did you save me?"

"Because I wanted to save you from the beginning. I knew this battle would happen and I was hoping that you would keep your stubborn ass out of this if I left you."

You slapped him hard across the cheek. And another time.

"What the hell, Bardock?! YOU COULD'VE TALKED TO ME!"

"Don't yell in my fucking ear, damn it!"

And you two continued to shout at each other as loud as you could, making everyone except the fighting ones look at you.

"Shut up, it's annoying."

"Fuck you, Vegeta!" You said in unison, looking at each other and laughing like the old times.

Then, the battle got serious. Goku and Frieza powered up once again, but you didn't see these forms before. It looked amazing.

"Can you do this too?" You looked at Bardock and pointed to Goku.

He smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

"But you're angry that Goku is fighting instead of you, aren't you?"

"Yeah, a bit. But he killed that bastard already, he can do it again. And it's enough for me to see him avenge our race, he's my son after all."

His proud expression made you smile, but you just had to slap him again.

"What the fuck was that for?!"

"For leaving me, dumbass."

"Hit me again. Come on." He said with a serious voice and raised his hand to threaten you, but you hit him again with all the strength you had, leaving a mark on his cheek.

"That's my mate." He grinned and ruffled your hair. "You trained, didn't you?"

"You noticed? And we're mates again?"

"Of course."

The fight was soon interfered by Vegeta, who took Goku's place. Beerus and Whis also arrived, but stayed out of the whole thing.

"Let's go to Kakarrot and see if he's alright."

"No, I want to stay here and watch a bit more."

"You're coming with me, didn't you listen to Frieza?! He'll kill you!"

"You can rescue me again. Let me stay."

"Fine." He sighed angrily and went to Goku, but watched every single movement because he felt that Frieza was getting more and more agitated, his stamina was running out. There was no time for play fair anymore.

Only a few moments later, you watched Vegeta beating Frieza into the ground, who didn't get up and transformed back into his final form.

"Who's the stupid monkey now?" Vegeta grinned and looked down at him.

Why doesn't he kill him, what is he waiting for?

"I'm gonna punish you for all the things you did to us."

He got into a fighting stance again, but his opponent only laughed as if it was the best day of his life.

Before you could realize what was happening, the tyrant smashed his fist into the ground, which cracked open. The crack expanded at rapid speed into all directions and a strange light emerged.

"Whis." Beerus stated calmly and his mentor nodded before forming a bubble around them, Bardock and Goku included.

No.. not Goku. He had left the others right before the bubble was being formed and sprinted to you, trying to rescue you too.

Bardock tried the same thing and threw himself against the bubble, but it was no use. He couldn't get out.

"Let me get her!"

"Sadly, I can't open it anymore."

"Fuck you, Whis! Kakarrot, hurry!" He shouted and Goku waved before pointing his index and middle finger towards his forehead to use instant transmission, but it was already too late.

He had to see both his son and mate getting teared apart by the explosion of the planet.

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