Chapter One .

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"Harry ! Harry ! Harold Edward Styles , get down here immediately , we're going to be late for school !" I yelled up the staircase to Harry's room , loud enough so that he could hear me . 

"I'm coming !" He yelled back down to me , and I could tell that he was grinning . 

I made my way around the corner to the kitchen table where breakfast was waiting for me . "Morning Mum " I said and smiled over to Harry's mum . She really was like my 2nd mother , so she didn't mind me calling her that .  

"Morning love , ready for school ?" 

I nodded my head and didn't speak because my mouth was so full of cereal . She laughed and turned towards the front door . 

"Please make sure that he gets to school on time today , I really don't need another phone call about him being tardy , AGAIN ." She emphasized 'again' & I laughed and reassured her . 

"Mum , don't even worry . I'll handle him ." I said as I began to push her out the front door . "Now go to work ! I don't need a call about YOU being tardy , now do I ?" She kissed me on the cheek and ran over to her car as I shut the front door . 

I sat back down at the table to finish up my breakfast and to wait for Harry to finish getting ready . A few seconds later I felt a poke in my side which made me giggle because I was extremely ticklish . "I told you not to call me Harold ." I heard in my ear and then turned around to find Harry drinking orange juice straight from the carton . I smiled and grabbed my bag as I began walking through the front door saying "And what makes you think that I would ever listen to you ?" Just as I said that I felt myself being lifted up off the ground and I looked over to see Harry underneath me . He smiled up at me and said "Off to school bestfriend ?"  

I laughed and said "Of course , off to school ." He put me down as we walked to school , which was a 10 minute walk from our houses . When we got to school , there were banners everywhere advertising for spring break which was just next week . Everyone was excited because today was the last school day before break , so there was obviously not going to be any learning going on here . 

As we got to the gates , the first bell rung so Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me into the class right as the final bell rung . Of course , we had every class together which was a plus because neither one of us could stand to be without each other for a second never mind a whole school day ! He led me to our seats at the back of the class . As we were walking back , many of the students turned towards us and greeted the both of us with smiles and friendly waves . I wouldn't say that we were popular , but that was kind of the only word that came to mind . Harry & I knew everyone at our school and everyone knew us . Neither of us were cocky about it , we were both just very friendly to everyone that we came across and to be honest , we were just flattered that people would actually take the time out of their day to come say hi . 

Harry was mostly popular with the ladies though . He was the type of boy that could have any girl he wanted , but chose to be single which is what I think puzzled girls the most . But he was also one flirty fellow . He flirted with almost every girl that he came across , because that's what he did best . One of the many things that I loved about him was that he wasn't a player . Sure , he could flirt and be cheeky nonstop for hours on end , but he drew the line at hurting someone , which is one of the things I admired most about him . I could see why they would feel that way , because of course Harry was attractive , I mean who wouldn't think so ? He had these magnificent chocolate colored curls sitting on his head perfectly framing his face ; beautiful sea green eyes that sparkled as if he were a small child that had been given a new toy ; and his smile was to die for . He had perfectly straight teeth with dimples that always surrounded some sort of cheeky grin . 

As I was thinking about this , I noticed that I was staring straight at Harry who was sitting to my left . As I tried to turn away , I felt a slip of paper touch my fingers . 

'I know I'm hott , but that doesnt mean you have to drool over me during class (; .xx' 

I smiled and pretended to wipe drool off my chin and hurriedly scribbled on the piece of paper . 'Sorry babes , I just can't keep my eyes off of you for one moment :) .xxx' 

He chuckled and we continued writing notes to eachother for the rest of class . When the bell rung , we started walking to our next class , maths . The day passed pretty quickly after that , and before I knew it , we were walking home from the school .

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