Chapter Nine .

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The next day I woke up to find Harry with his arm around my waist from behind . I turned slightly and saw that he was fast asleep , so I quickly & quietly got out from underneath his arm and into the bathroom . I decided to take a shower while Harry was sleeping . When I got out , I decided on wearing jeans & a thin , light pink top with my already wavy hair , since we hadn't planned on doing anything today . As I walked out to see him still sleeping , I heard movement downstairs , signaling that my mother was home . I made my way downstairs and saw her making herself a bowl of cereal , and to my surprise she told me goodmorning and asked me how my night was . It was a shock to me , since normally we just avoided eachother when she was home , so surprisingly I just went with it .

But I guess the behavior had an expiration date . About 20 minutes later , she left again for work . I sighed , finished my breakfast and made my way back up to my room to see if Harry was still asleep .

When I walked in , I heard the shower shut off , so I knew that he had woken up . I laid down on my bed , and waited for him to walk out of the bathroom . A few minutes later , he walked out in jeans and a cream colored Jack Wills jacket . He saw me and instantly smiled . "Hey ! Sleeping Beauty has finally awaken ," I said as I sat up to see him properly .

"You're the only Beauty I see ," he said and climbed on top of me . I blushed and he kissed my forehead at the same time that he brushed a piece of hair behind my ear . He got up so that he could pull me up from the bed , holding his hand out for me to take it . I took it and wasn't surprised when he intertwined our fingers as we started walking downstairs towards the living room .

I plopped myself down onto the couch and just as Harry sat himself down next to me , my phone began to ring from the kitchen counter . I huffed as I got up to go answer it . When I looked at the caller ID , my face brightened a little as I realized who it was . "MUM !" I said into the phone , thinking that it was Harry's mum calling me since her number was the one flashing on my screen . But my heart sank a little when I heard whose voice it was .

"Hello Darling , sorry I had to leave so suddenly but I was wondering if you & Harry could come down to the bakery and work a few hours ? Two of our employees called in sick and everyone else has the day off .." My own mum said as I looked at Harry and saw him smiling over at me , so I turned back around , not wanting him to see my reaction .

"Yeah of course , we'll be there in 20 minutes ." I croaked out as I hung up and set my phone down . I leaned against the counter and a few seconds later I felt hands on my waist .

"What are we doing ?" he asked quietly , knowing that I was likely to break down in a fit of either rage or tears . This always happened with my mum , I would either be so angry , or so hurt by the time I was finished talking to her , that I couldn't control how I reacted . I mean who wouldn't be angry or upset with someone who had torn your life apart ? Because that's exactly what she did .

When I was really young , she & my father split up , leaving me , and only child , with a broken home and without a father . And it's not like he didn't try to see me , thats all he ever did but she never let him . That's when I first met Harry . 3 years old and not a care in the world , running around with my bestfriend and not letting anything get to me . As I got older , I gradually started getting into more and more trouble , always being referred to as 'just like my dad' and honestly I would much rather be like him than her . When I turned 9 , she had told me that he had passed away in a car accident , and at the time I hadn't understood , but every year on my birthday , the only days I would have contact with him , I would get nothing . Absolutely nothing . It completely crushed me , seeing as how I would never get to know him , the person who everyone said I was exactly like . My mother and I started getting into arguments and they became more & more frequent , sometimes coming everyday . Ofcourse , Harry was always there for me , through everything . Through every punch in the wall , every argument with my mum , and every tear that had fallen . But I guess I never fully got over what she had done .

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Harry's hand wipe away a tear that I hadn't noticed had fallen . He knew what I was thinking about & immediately wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me , like he was holding scattered pieces together . I was the one to let go first , and like all the times that this had happened , he grabbed my hand , kissed my palm and whispered "I'm here & that's all that matters ." He reached around me and took my phone , starting to dial my mother's number , probably to tell her that we couldn't make it , but I stopped him .

"I'm fine , I promise ." He had heard me say this so many times before and I doubt he ever believed it , but he set my phone down , took my hand and began leading me to the bakery down the street without another word .

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