Chapter Ten .

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Harry was trying his hardest to cheer me up , cracking jokes and making a fool out of himself , and to be honest , it was working . When he saw me crack a small smile , he knew his job had been fulfilled , and he put his arm around my shoulder and started singing , actually it sounded more like screeching . I laughed at how horrible he sounded , but knew that he actually had an amazing voice . We started singing together and got quite a few stares but we didn't care , we just kept carrying on .

By the time we had gotten to the bakery , we were laughing hysterically with tears in our eyes . Anne walked over to us and embraced us both in a tight grip that smelled of vanilla . I didn't see my mum anywhere , which was a slight relief . I put on my apron and name tag and went over to my post at the register while Harry went into the kitchen . It surprises alot of people , but he is actually an incredible cook & and even better baker . He was always the one who would make me homemade chicken noodle soup when I was sick while I just microwaved a can for him . As I was thinking about it , I looked back through the door and saw him hard at work mixing batter for cupcakes . He was also singing a song that I didn't recognize , probably one that he had made up . I smiled to myself and noticed that Anne was looking straight at me . She walked over to me and put her arm around me . "He's something else , isn't he ?" I nodded , smiling at how he danced while he mixed . "I don't know what he would do without you honestly . He's completely & utterly smitten , I can tell by the way he looks at you ." I laughed and turned towards her .

"To be honest , I don't know what I would do without him . He's everything to me and I think he's absolutely perfect , well to me that is ." I said , blushing . I could tell that my cheeks had gone a deep shade of red because she got a sudden twinkle in her eyes .

"You two .. I've never seen anything like it . But I know that you will go in the direction that makes both of you happy ." She said that with a smile , kissed me lightly on the cheek and went back to the kitchen . I smiled to myself , wondering what she meant by that ..

A few hours later , it was closing time and the place was completely empty . Anne had left a couple minutes before , saying that she was going to the grocery store and leaving the two of us in charge of locking up . I began to lock up the register while Harry was cleaning down the batter and frosting stained counters . When I was finished , I went to help him with the cleaning , but instead he scooped me up and placed me on the counter . He looked me deep in the eyes and cupped my cheek in his hand and whispered "You're so cute ." I smiled . He removed his hand and added "Especially with flour all over your face ." I wiped my hand across my cheek and sure enough , there was flour all over my hand . I decided to get him back , so I got a handful of flour , called out his name and then smashed the flour into his hair . He laughed and then blew some flour onto me . I threw flour all over him as he did the same thing to me until we were both covered in pure white flour .

We were laughing as we looked around and saw the mess we had made . I wanted to clean it up before Anne got back , so I started to make my way over to the broom , when suddenly I felt Harry pulling me back by my wrist . "You really are cute with flour all over your face ," he said as he caressed my cheek with his thumb . I shivered and he chuckled , brushing my flour covered hair out of my eyes . He leaned down and was centimeters away from my face when we heard the familiar bell from the front door ring , signaling that Harry's mum was back from her evening shopping . We giggled and made our way to the front , mentally preparing ourselves for fit that we were about to witness .

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