By: Tanner Hawryluk

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Im sorry if im posting again na hindi ko naman gawa.. hehehe Its an awareness guys! Sa ma nakakaintindi neto continue reading, sa mga hindi ok lng kahit hnd niyo na basahin to lahat. konti lang po kasi talaga an makakaintindi neto.. THANK YOU po...

Please give the credit to the  real author.. (^___^)


To develop Your MINDSET is a total waste of time!

...or is it?

This REAL LIFE example will prove different

When you look at ANYONE who has acquired some MAJOR success in their life it all boils down to Your mindset.

What You think about You bring about.

Plain and Simple.

It’s strange to think about it, but when I look back almost 5 years ago I looked into the online industry because I knew I needed to get into it as fast as humanly possible.

...but to be quite honest, it just. didn't. make. sense to me at the time.

My mind wasn't ready to receive the information that was presented to me at that point in time.

So I ventured into real estate because it’s what I knew, I loved to help people, spend time with them and because of that I was fortunate to be successful in the industry for many years. I helped a ton of people and created some phenomenal long lasting relationships.

...but at the end of the day I was mentally exhausted and I was quickly becoming burnt out at the ripe old age of 27.

I knew I needed to leverage my time in a business that could be set up and monitored with only an hr or two at the end of the day because the reality is, is that I simply couldn't create enough hours in the day.

...then I stumbled across this magical little movie (besides The Secret)

The movie was called “Middlemen”

To break it down and keep it short and sweet it’s basically how two friends created the automatic payment system for the internet so that you no longer had to to C.O.D

...and in there very-first-month they made a copious amount of money with this simple little business on autopilot because YES, they were simply ‘middlemen’

And then a lightbulb went off

It was time for me to take another look at this ‘online thing’ and see if I could wrap my head around how this whole industry really worked.

I started searching and searching and diving as much as I could into the industry and it all started making more and more sense to me this time because my mind was finally ready to receive the information that was presented.

It was a simple mental shift that allowed me to be open to a totally different world that had always existed all around me, but was simply never aware of because I wasn't mentally ready.

...but now it was GAME TIME

Fast-forward over the next 6 months and my world had been rocked over and over again because I kept on having those magical ‘Ah-Ha’ moments that kept propelling my online business forward because I made the choice to ‘empty my cup’ so to speak, put down my ego and LISTEN to people who had done what I was looking to do.

It was in April of 2013 that I really started put the ‘Thoughts Become Things’ idea to the test. was 2 months before my girlfriend and I were to be filmed for the AWOL Reality Show which submerged 32 online entrepreneurs into a $100k/month lifestyle and we were toying with the idea of literally picking up and moving to Bali.

Basically just to enjoy life and run our businesses from our beach villa.

You can experience our amazing adventures we had on the show right here and they are phenomenal!

I threw my truck up for sale and put my house up for house was getting tons of traction but not my ideal tenant and I wanted to hold out. My truck on the other hand had stiff competition because it was only 1.5 yrs old, I needed a certain dollar figure out of it and it wasn't everyday that someone could come up with a large sum of money to pay cash when the banks were offering it easier and at better rates for you to buy a new one.

So I nothing really happened for 2 months.

End of May rolls around and we venture out to Thailand to be filmed in the hillside mega mansion, infinity pools, full staff and had the time of our life all while being filmed for the reality show and it was when I least expected it that I had my biggest paradigm shift...ever.

I was sitting in the living room, sipping coffee, overlooking an infinity pool that overlooked all of Bang Tao.

...One of the most epic views I have ever seen.

And my friend who has been successful in the online industry for many years, leans over to me and says,

“You know, it really doesn't have to get any worse than this if you don’t want it too”


It made so much sense yet it hadn't occurred to me thus far.

It was right then and there that my girlfriend and I made the decision to play big and simply go after whatever it was we desired in life.

Because it really is that simple when you think about it.

So many people young and old had mind altering revelations while out in Thailand being filmed that it was absolutely crazy!

Share the experience with the cast and see if you can relate these breakthroughs in Your own life.

Once the decision was made my unconscious mind went to work and aligned everything that needed to be done in sequence just like that.

My truck sold within 1.5 weeks of our return to Canada where as before I hadn't had a single call in 2 months and I almost got what I owed for it!.. and for my house I ended up renting it out to my perfect tenant which was a lady I worked with and trusted 100%.

And everything else that needed to be done was simply taken care of, easily and effortlessly because we had played it over and over in our minds a thousand times before.

But only after we mentally made the decision.

Strange how that works isn't it?

And on the 90th day from when we made-the-decision to move to Bali, we stepped foot on the airplane that was taking us to our paradise to begin our wildest adventure yet


And You can have anything You desire in life RIGHT NOW if you simply make a choice and go after it.

Your mind is 1,000x more powerful than You think it is and it’s working 24/7 to create Your life right in front of Your eyes each and every day.

Be cautious of what you feed it.

How you nurture it

...and what you focus on.

Your mind is your most valuable asset, treat it as such.

Share in our reality show experience that caused me to have my biggest mental shift and is the first of it’s kind in the entire online industry.


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