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"Sally Hatchet lives in a hole in the ground. The longer it keeps raining, the more she has to struggle."


    HOLLAND AND ALICE WALKED to the infirmary, Holland's cat cuddled into her arms

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    HOLLAND AND ALICE WALKED to the infirmary, Holland's cat cuddled into her arms.

    They were in transfiguration and Ron Weasley had "accidentally," removed the cats tail instead of turning it into a still object.

    Their professor had tried every spell, but told the two girls to go to the infirmary and see if Madam Pomfrey could do anything else.

    Getting comfortable on one of the infirmary beds, Alice patiently awaited for Holland's cat to gain it's tail back. The two looked at one another as the healer gushed about how 'adorable' the cat was.

 The two looked at one another as the healer gushed about how 'adorable' the cat was

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    She wasn't complaining, though. She had gotten out of transfiguration, but she knew that if Holland's cat didn't get fixed, Holland would be sulking about it for weeks.

    After ten minutes Madam Pomfrey had used a growth medicine to growth the feline's tail back, resulting in a overtly happy Holland.

    Alice grudgingly got up from the infirmary bed, slipping her flats back on, she followed Holland out of the hospital.

    As they headed towards the Great Hall, Alice remembered it was mail day. Everyday was mail day, but her mother usually sent her a letter every Wednesday.

    Sitting beside Draco, she opened the precisely packaged letter.

    "Alice, I'm glad you and Draco are doing alright, I hope things are coming along with your work. Narcissa and myself are very proud of the both of you, and how you have handled everything that's been going on. I'm sure your father would be proud of you. Love, mum."

    A soft smile was placed on Alice's face as she finished reading the letter, it was now the middle of June. Draco and Alice knew that their repairing of the vanishing cabinet was almost complete, making them feel unsettled.

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