Fun Facts & Trivia!

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As I was writing this fic, there are some things I thought of that never made it into the story, as well as some things that changed or little facts that emerged about the lives of the characters. When I plan a story, I tend to plan out their entire lives - literally from when they're born, through where the plot takes place, to their deaths, and my brain just kinda goes wild with details and facts to make the characters who they are (even if they aren't entirely my own, but we have Isayama-sensei to thank for that ❤️).

So, as I wrote, I jotted down little facts and kept them in a list. As of right now there aren't a ton, but as I continue to write bonus chapters and such, I'll surely come up with more. If you guys have ideas or anything you want to add - stuff you felt in the characters or ideas you came up with that could fit their lives or personalities, please tell me. I love your guys' input; some things wouldn't have happened in some of my fics if not for your comments and such, and I love to know what you guys think (especially if it's something I never came up with myself).

And now, without further adieu~


• Isabel's dog's name was Levi because she loved her brother so much she wanted to name her pet after him.

• They adopt a corgi and name him Kiba (he'll appear/be mentioned in bonus chapters).

• When Levi was still living with his mom & sisters after he'd tried drugs, he ended up a chain smoker whilst at home or while sober from the other drugs because it kept him calmer and rendered things a bit easier to cope he literally always had something toxic running through his veins until he met Eren.

Fun Facts

- Erwin was originally supposed to be the owner of the tattoo shop, but I literally couldn't see Erwin being a tattoo artist and I don't know why. Reiner just seemed to fit the part better which is kinda dumb but eh. I also couldn't imagine Erwin dating Alex...and I was already too in love with her character to change her to fit Erwin, so. Yeah.

- There were a lot of times I considered ending this fic at "I'm ready, Eren" or when they make their promise in Eren's back yard, and a few other places, but I couldn't. I had to see it through to the end I'd originally planned. And I'm glad I did.

- The song Monster by Imagine Dragons was HUGE inspiration for this fic; at one point, it was the only reason I kept up with it. Music is powerful, man. Another was I Bet My Life by the same artist. This fic probably wouldn't have happened if not for Imagine Dragons.

- In chapter 25 of part two, when Levi almost loses his marbles laughing (totally out of character i know but idc I need it in my life), I'd been thinking for literal WEEKS on what could make him laugh like that, and then the person I sat next to in math my senior year of HS told me that joke, "you can't say happiness without saying penis", and I was like "THAT'S IT!!11!!!!!1!!"

- The line in part two, chapter 29, "Don't waste your tears on something hopeless like me" and the scene with Levi lying in the hospital bed, waking up to Eren leaning over him and touching his hair, is what kick-started this whole fic. That's literally what happens - sometimes a scene or a line or both will pop into my head and will refuse to go away until its written. So I honestly can't tell you 'where' my ideas come from, they just sort of spawn out of nowhere.

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