25. once again, sasuke

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Hey guys! It's yo author here, and this is the 25th chapter of this book omg i've come this long cri ((': By the way, once again, thank you so much for taking your time reading this book.

I just wanted to say that I love you guys and thanks for supporting me.

I'm also srry if my last chapter didn't make sense, but I'll make it clear with each chapter. I hope xD

Arigato Reader-chan!


Things were weird.

After the three days of those rumors, they had finally come to a stop. Nobody spoke about it ever again, but in those three days, Sasuke didn't come to school.

Of course, you were worried but you told yourself that he was fine and okay.

And finally, it was the weekend, not to mention, as class representative you had an event to attend to.

With Sai, Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke.

Now here you were, sitting down on the mattress of your bed thinking about how your day was going to be.

"What time is it..?" You mumbled and reached for your phone. The time had read 9:28AM, and you were supposed to meet everybody at the school gates at 9:30AM. "I'm late-!"

After you got ready, you decided to get out from the window instead of the door, since you thought it'd save time. You jumped out and landed on both of your feet before running off.

(( I do so many timeskips im sorry fml))

"Look there she is!"


When you finally had come to a stop, you were met with an angry blonde. Looks like somebody was impatient today.

Naruto shook his head before shoving a paper in front of your face that read the following sentence: "If you're reading this, its too late."

"Tch, I overslept!" You panted slightly and placed both of your hands on each one of your knees.

"Dumbass, as class representative you're supposed to be the first person to be here." Sasuke spoked out and crossed his arms over his chest. "Is this how she always is, Sai?"

"S-Sasuke?" You questioned and finally looked up, immediately making eye contact with onyx-eyes. Something was different about him, he seemed like the type of person that you can actually approach and talk to.

"Happy to see me or what, hn?"

"Well, I don't know, it's not like you were absent for three days of school." You sarcastically replied and looked at Sai, ignoring Sasuke's blabbering on how he had to do "important" things in those three days.

"Sai, Sakura, did you got information about the academy?" You asked meanwhile Sasuke and Naruto started to argue like they always did in middle school days.

"Uh-huh! Just how you asked us, (f/n)-san!" Sakura chirped and gave you a thumbs up as Sai looked down at his phone to take a look of the information he typed down.

"Okay, so I heard..blah blah blah." The moment Sai started explaining, you went into your own little world not hearing a single thing he said, nothing. You began to think about Sasuke and how different he was acting, too different. He never got in arguments with Naruto until now, that was way back then.

"What do you think you're doing, dobe?! I'm more responsible than you, give that back!" Sasuke said trying to reach for the money Naruto had in his hands, but Naruto only got more furious hearing Sasuke say he's "better" like he always does.

"What did you say, Sasuke-teme?! Now you're not getting this back for nothin', after all I've done for you 'ttebayo." Naruto crossed his arms and held the money in a tight grip.

"Look Naruto, a ramen stand!"


Sasuke snatched the money away from Naruto's hands and quickly walked away from him only to be tackled by the blonde.

"You can't escape Uzumaki Naruto 'ttebayo!"

"Get off!"

Sakura's right eyebrow twitched and she quickly walked over to her two friends, she clenched her fists and hit their heads. "Stop being so childish..!"

"Sakura-chan.." Naruto muttered and rubbed his head as he pouted.

"Sakura..is that really you?"

"Of course, it's me!"

"So, (f/n)-san, did you get all of that?" Sai asked and put his phone back in his back pocket as he patiently waited for your reply.

You blinked and nodded. "Yeah, I got it, no problem! Everything's all good, dude." You gave him a thumbs up and chuckled nervously knowing that you really didn't heard all of what he said.

"You didn't actually, right?"

"Sai, I swear you know everything."

The artist showed you one of his fake smiles and tilted his head to the side. "I have my ways, (f/n)-san."

"Okay..There!" The pinkette said and then helped Naruto and Sasuke up, after she did, she looked ahead. "Well, we really have to go because if we arrive late we're going to get in trouble with our homeroom teachers."

"Oh gosh, I forgot!"


"Says the one-"

"Shut up!"

Hopefully this day is going to end up good, hopefully.

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