53. Sasuke's Confession

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"I have a confession to make.."

"What is it?" (Y/n) asked and turned around in order to face Sasuke, actually wondering what this "confession" was going to be about. "But wait- is it good.. or bad?" She asked before he could even get the chance to talk.

"It's.. in the middle," He assured, "Well, that's what I think anyways." Sasuke admitted and then forced himself to look at the female in front of him in the eye. He gathered up his courage and prepared himself to tell her the recent events that happened in his life.

"Part of it is that I broke of the engagement I had with Katsumi."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened slightly as she gasped, putting a hand to cover her mouth. "But why would you do that?! She loves you a lot, Sasuke! Are you freaking heartless- Wait.. you are somewhat heartless but still!" She leaned forward, looking at the Uchiha with scowl on her face.

"No, (Y/n). You don't understand, I never even loved her in the first place." Sasuke stated and approached her, starting to get closer to (Y/n). "Believe me, if I actually married her.. it'd be something I truly would regret because I wouldn't be living the happy life I wanted with.."

The young woman raised an eyebrow and noticed the way he was getting closer to her, finding it beyond weird. But the thing was, that she didn't even bother to move from her spot. As if she wanted for Sasuke to come closer to her. "With.. who?" She asked with full of curiosity upon her soft and gentle voice.

"Why would I tell you?" Sasuke stated bluntly with his arms crossed over his chest and looked away, confusing (Y/n). Her right eyebrow twitched in anger as she put her fist up in front of him.

"Then why the heck did you even brought it up to me you lunatic!" She yelled out as she got too close to his own liking. "You make no sense whatsoever, Sasuke, get your shit together!"

"Says the one that fell off a tree!" Sasuke snapped at her and made her remember that embarrassing moment she had with him. Back to the good old days, she was surprised she even still remembered.

"Oh, please! That was years ago, dumb-fucking-cunt." She stated and mimicked his actions, crossing her arms against her chest. "And it's not like you're any better. You were this close to marrying someone you didn't even love. So keep talking, U-chi-ha."

Sasuke frowned and he was clearly pissed off with (Y/n) at the moment. He narrowed his eyes at her and gritted his teeth, this close to going off on her. "You know what, forget it! I can't even tell you anything without getting judged.." He turned his back towards her and gave her the dirtiest glare.

"What the fuck do you even mean? You started this by clearly saying "why should I tell you", when you clearly brought it up yourself-"

"Shut the fuck up, will you?!"

(Y/n) was taken aback by his sudden outburst and his glare didn't make it any better. She gritted her own teeth as well as she clenched her fists. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Chill out!"

"No, I will not chill the fuck down. You seriously can be such a bitch sometimes, that's one of the reasons I got rid of you years ago in the first place!" Sasuke said without even thinking, basically saying everything he had in his mind at that moment.

"And do you really think I care?!" (Y/n) spat at him and was this close to sending a punch at his disgusting face, she couldn't even look at him. Was this the way he really felt towards her? If it was, then it somehow did dearly hurt her. But she was a strong woman, she had people call her worst. "At least I-!"

Before she could even finish her sentence, a slap got sent to her right cheek, making her head whip to the side. Her eyes widened, realizing what had just happened at that very moment.  She put a hand up to cover her right cheek and she was speechless, and she must say, that slap hurt like hell.

(Y/n) slowly moved her head to face Sasuke, the man that had just slapped her across the face. He looked pretty surprised himself and he couldn't believe he had done that, he didn't really mean it.

His body moved on its own.

Tears rolled down the (h/c)-haired girl's cheeks, and she felt weak. She wasn't doing anything about it but she wanted to, yet not a single word came out of her. She choked back a sob and noticed Sasuke's face expression had softened.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry.. I didn't mean it!" The young Uchiha said as he reached out to her, wanting to comfort her and apologize for what he had done. "I wasn't thinking- I wasn't.. I'm sorry!" He said as (Y/n) only pushed him away, not saying a single word to him.

(Y/n) finally lifted her head up and looked at him right in the eye, tears still rolling down (s/c) cheeks. "Get lost, you stupid fuck." Was the last thing she said before sending a punch straight for his face, sending him to the hard ground.

"And don't you dare.. I repeat, don't you dare lay your dirty hands on me again!" She yelled out and stormed off, leaving him all by himself. And of course, (Y/n) didn't regret what she had done because she clearly did thought about it before committing the action she had just done.

She wasn't like that stupid jerk who dared to slap a woman across the face.

In the other hand, Sasuke clearly regretted acting that way. He knew he shouldn't be treating her like that, specially if she was the one that saved his live for fuck's sake.

"I'm so sorry.."






but srsly Sasuke is such a fucking stuck up jerk he shouldn't be doing that type of shit to you but then again




I need to calm down, okay, okay.


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