54. Bad Side

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"I can't believe he even dared to lay a finger on you." Sakura spat as she gritted her teeth just at the thought of Sasuke sending a slap to her friend's face. She clicked her tongue as Naruto sighed through his nostrils, disappointed in Sasuke's actions.

"Sorry 'ttebayo.. I thought he changed?" The blonde looked over at (Y/n), who held an ice pack to her right cheek. When she said it did hurt, she wasn't kidding. A day later, and the same spot still stung.

"It wasn't your fault." (Y/n) said as her eyes landed on Naruto, not liking the way he was blaming himself. "We just overreacted over stupid stuff and before we knew it, it started getting serious to the point where he slapped me in the face."

"At least you sent a strong punch to his face." Naruto forced a grin, trying to cheer her up but failed miserably.

"It's not the same when he has my kidney inside of him, ugh!" (Y/n) wailed as she hit her head continuously with a pillow, letting the ice pack go. "Why am I so nice to him when all he does is treat me like shit and then he fucks me over.. then he comes back as if he did nothing. Are boys retarded? Are they fucking stupid?! I don't understand!" She screamed into the pillow as a trickle of sweat ran down Naruto's forehead.

Then a few seconds later, Sakura started crying as well. Seemed like it was for the same reason. "Then they act like they don't give a flying fuck and they're so confusing, I don't understand either!" The rosette sobbed and rested her head against (Y/n)'s shoulder, crying with her.

Oh no.. crying women! What am I supposed to do 'ttebayo? Naruto thought to himself as he started to panic, trying to comfort both of the females in front of him. "But Sakura-chan, (Y/n)! There's no point of crying, there's many guys out there.." He said, trying to brightened up the mood. "And I'm one of those guys out ther-"

"Naruto, shut up!" Both Sakura and (Y/n) said at the same time, letting out the ball of emotions they held back for so long.

Naruto's eyes widened, surprised because of the sudden outburst. He sighed for what seemed the millionth time that day before putting his arms around the two girls he cared for the most. "Fuck Sasuke."

Sakura looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Not literally, right?" She sniffled while looking up at her blonde friend. "Why would I say it literally, Sakura-chan?! Disgusting!" Naruto asked with disgust as he removed his arms around both of the young women.

"I wouldn't mind if you actually meant it in a literal way-" (Y/n) admitted and picked up the ice pack she had dropped, only to hear the shocked voices of her two friends yelling out her name because of the simple comment she had made.



Onyx orbs met onyx, both narrowing their eyes at each other, sick of the way they were acting and there's no doubt that Itachi was done with his brother's bullshit. Izumi sighed and looked between the two, breaking the eye contact.

"So you slapped a woman in the face..?" Izumi growled while being held back by her husband, Itachi, this close to sending a slap to Sasuke for hurting a woman like that.

"I didn't mean it." Sasuke spat in an annoyed manner, getting sick of the people around him.

"You're freaking retarded!" Izumi finally calmed down and went back to sit down back to Itachi's side, only to hear her son gasping.

"Ooooh, mommy said the "f" word!" Shisui pointed out while walking in the room as Izumi chuckled and started chasing her son around the Uchiha household, leaving Sasuke and Itachi to theirselves.

"Why would you do that?" Itachi asked as Sasuke abruptly stood up, repeating himself for like the millionth time that day. "I told you, I didn't mean it for fuck's sake!" Sasuke yelled out, but of course, this didn't amuse Itachi in the slightest.

Like, c'mon, it's Itachi we're talking about.

"You ruined your chances with her." Itachi stood up and looked down at Sasuke, since he was still taller than his younger brother. "It's not the first time you fucked get over either-"

"Exactly, so she'll give me another chance, like she always does." Sasuke clarified and looked away, shoving his hands inside his pockets. "Don't you see what kind of girl (Y/n) is? She's weak and forgives easily-"

"And you take advantage of that?" Itachi asked as Sasuke's eyes seem to widen slightly. "How cruel of you, only if mother and father knew how you acted towards her." The older Uchiha said while glaring at Sasuke. "You keep messing with her, trying to stop happiness from coming into her life by trying to stop her relationship with Naruto, why do you even try? You lost your chance, you ruined it for yourself. How dare you call her weak? When she was the one that saved you, if it weren't for her, you would have died a long time ago-!"

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Sasuke put his hands over his ears and dropped to his knees while looking down, finding himself crying because of the effect Itachi's words had on him. "You know nothing! Absolutely nothing-!" He turned around and noticed Izumi and Shisui standing in the doorway, his eyes landing on the young boy.

Shisui looked frightened as he started to pout and sniffle, clinging to his mother. He started crying and turned around for his mother's touch and comfort. Izumi immediately brought Shisui to her arms and carried him away. This time, promising herself she wouldn't come back to the room for her son's sake.

"I don't know what had gotten into you, Sasuke.." Itachi turned his back to Sasuke as he sighed in disappointment, "I'll leave you to yourself." He clarified as he began to walk away, finally walking out of the room. Truth to be told, he was worried for his younger brother, but could he really do anything about it?

Sasuke was turning insane.

No doubt about it, and it was time for Sasuke to start realizing it, some serious anger issues he had. But he couldn't say it was an issue, an issue was something you could fix, right? At this point, even Sasuke started scaring himself.

What exactly was he turning into?



I'm so sorry for the long wait, I DIDNT MEAN TO but you can go ahead and slap me.

It's ok, I'm right here, gO AHEAD READER-


I love you guys and much love FOR YOU!

Author bakarima out

*whispers* a shitty author

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