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"Yumm.. That was delicious." I said unconsciously leaning on a hard chest and patting my full tummy. I jolted up when I got my consciousness back of what I was doing.

"Thank you, honestly when boss and I are assigned to cook the foods, it's always a great piece of work." I heard a couple of scoff here and there before I giggle. I felt someone staring at me so I turned to look at him but he avoided my look.

"So, who's on dish duty today?" The curly hair voice boomed while the two boys whom I haven't talk to groaned loudly. "I'm happy it's not mine." The curly smirked. I raised my hand as if I am in a class going to ask my teacher a question.

"If you don't mind may I help?" Everyone turned their head towards me. "What? I thought that you guys treated me with food I may help you with something."

"Of course you can, we'd be more than happy to have you help us." I felt the being behind me took a big sigh.

"You two can take a rest I'll help her with the dishes."

"Yess!!!" The two morons oopsee good girls don't say that Abigail, yelled in unison; from my peripheral vision I saw Jason raising his eyebrows at them.

"Honestly we don't mind cleaning them but if you are insisting then what can we do, right James." Oh the other ones name is James the guy who looks hot like a Calvin Klein model with green eyes and buzz cut.

"Yeah boss who are we to oppose your decision." The two people grin like Cheshire the cat while the boss just 'tch' at their behavior.

After everyone left it was just me and Jason in the kitchen cleaning the room and dishes.

"You know for someone who's been kept as a hostage you're acting pretty chill about it."

"Probably because the people keeping me hostage are being quiet friendly and showing me homely behavior." He chuckled at my response as he mopped the floor. "But seriously are you really keeping as a hostage because my dad has a debt on you?" He stiffed at my question.

"Well then... why... do.. you think... we're keeping you with us?"

"I don't know but you're not treating me like how normal kidnappers treat their captive."

"Really. then how do you think we should have treated you?" He arch his brow leaning on the mop.

"Well I don't know. I've seen a lot of shows in Investigation Discovery and all I can say that this is really not how a captive is really treated."

"Probably because me and the gang think you're too beautiful to be treated like that." He winked at me while I blushed at his comment.

"Can I ask you something?"


"What?" I squeaked at the term he used.

"I mean you can ask me." He shook his head grinning at my behavior.

"Oh umm as much as I have heard about you, you're really dangerous man who controls a large gang. So I was wondering why is it only you guys here?"

"Well like you said I am a man who leads a large gang, don't you think if I have a large gang, it'd mean I would have a large area that I have control over."


"So it means because if I have a large business around the country; I can't keep it unguarded otherwise the gang who are waiting for me to fall will eventually take it from me." He replied like he was talking to a little baby.

"But how can they take it? It's your business and isn't it something illegal to take someone's property without any contract or something. You can just put a case for stealing your land."

"Well that's for you normal people to do but we are gangs, we do a lot of illegal stuffs and those business we do are also something illegal. Thus, I really doubt they would take time to listen to my report and punish my enemies instead of arresting myself."

"If doing this kind of stuffs will eventually end you up in jail, why don't you stop it?"

"Well sweetie if we don't live on doing illegal sh!t then what's the use of being in a gang."

"Hey don't use that word." I slapped his arm while he just chuckled, knowing him since yesterday I found he really likes to smile and laugh more than those dangerous gangsters who always has that scary poker face.

"You said you guys do illegal stuff and are really dangerous right."


"But why don't I feel like that? People might call you ruthless but I can't exactly tell what's the thing that makes you look scary. You people look really friendly."

"You shouldn't make assumptions about people who you have just met like that. Who knows we're planning some schemes behind your back." I gulped at the sudden thought.

"What would you do to me?"


"If my father fails to give you the amount of money that you need, what are you going to do with me?"

"Let's see. What do you think we'll do with you?"

"I don't know but there are so many unpleasant things on my mind right now."

"For instance."

"Like you could cut my body into pieces and feed it to animals, you could even take all my organs out of my body and sell or worst you could sell me to this place where girls are used like products to fulfill men's needs."

"I'm sorry but our gang isn't one of those who gets fun human trafficking, we like to stay away from that sector and for other options I think you're too young and beautiful to get killed." He winked at the last part. Why did I just blush?

"See you guys aren't really bad as most people make you."

"I only said we don't do human trafficking, I didn't say we don't do other stuffs."

"Still I think you're nice." He shook his head chuckling while I just grinned to myself.

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