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After we had finished our lunch in an awkward and tense atmosphere, I was strictly warned to stay in my room. I wasn't to come out of the room at any cost until Jason Miller himself comes for me.

It has been half an hour since I was banned from getting out of the room. I have been nothing but agitated. Since the moment Jason left me to stay on my own in our big room, I am nothing but a bundle of agony.

I tried watching some shows in T.V. but my mind keeps drifting back to the moment; from one of his man enter to inform him something till the time he had a dejected look when he sternly told me to stay inside the room before kissing my forehead and fleeing away.

I waited and waited patiently for Jason to show up. An hour has already passed and my patient had already worn down. I make my way to the door and stopped right when my hand was on doorknob.

Should I do this? I shouldn't disobey Jason. I didn't follow his idea once and ended up witnessing a man nearly murdered. Do I want to witness the same thing again? I shudder at that thought and marched back to the bed.

Half an hour later, he still hadn't returned. So, I did the thing any bored yet curious person would. I walked out of the room in search of the person who prisoned me.

Without my knowledge, my legs had taken me near Jason's office. When I was few feet away from his office, I heard some loud voices. I moved closer to hear then more clearly.

I know I shouldn't listen to others private talk but I couldn't help it. I was too curious to ignore the heated conversation these two men were having. I tiptoed closer to the door and peeked inside the small gap.

"Why are you so stubborn? Why don't you listen to me for once?" The anonymous older man shouted at Jason.

"I would if you were not being ridiculous right now."

"I am not. This is the second attack, I've been aware about. Who knows how many times you've nearly fall in the pit of death that I am unaware about?"

"I am a gang leader. What do you except from me? Playing cards with my members."

"I know what does a gang leader have to go through I have served both your grandfather and father to know that. So, this is why I am telling you to consider about it." Jason scoffed as he ruffled his hair.

"I'm just twenty-two."

"When your father was twenty-two he was already a married man with a child."

"Well that was my father not me. I'm not getting married at this age." I cupped my mouth to hold in my gasp.

"You have to understand, Jason. This gang needs a support, a proof that the gang will be sustainable even in the future. The gang is nothing without a leader. If you die who's gonna take care of the gang and the family's name. This gang needs an heir and as soon as possible."

"I said I. Don't. Want. To. Not right now." I bit my lips frowning. Maybe I should walk away. This sounds way private for me to interfere. As I turn around I heard the man say something that stopped me.

"It's because of that little girl, isn't it?"

"What little girl?" The way Jason's voice cracked it proved that the reason was that girl.

"Don't play dumb with me, Jason. I know about everything that's been happening in this gang. I expected better than this from you."

"This is my gang. I'm the leader not you, so I don't f*(king care what you think or not."

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