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It's D-day. The day when Jason and his boys depart for this so called annual meeting. Since his last confession about how he got shot, I've been nothing but agitated about him going to this meeting. I didn't know how obvious I was about my feelings until everyone practically came to me and held my hand, telling me there was no need to worry about Jason. He was a man of steel, even if he was bound to be hit by a large truck; he'd come back home alive.

I don't know if they were trying to make me feel at ease or what. But if it was the former one they were doing a horrible job. Without a doubt gangsters are really hard core. With a big sigh I headed towards our room. I just need to lay down a bit and I'll be alright.

When I enter the room, I saw that closet door was opened and the light was on. Ugh!!! Jason Miller, he never listens to me. I always tell him not to leave the lights on but he being the mannerless human he is always leaves the lights on even after he's done using the room.

I went inside the room and without looking properly inside I turned off the light. A loud cracked voice got my attention and I quickly switched on the light. When the lights were back I saw the most breathtaking human being in the world. No correction he was a Greek God not some human. There was no way a normal human would look that dazzling.

There in front of me was none other than Jason Gorgeous Miller. He looked so eye-catching in that fitted suit. His dress shirt looked so good, it was a little tight at his chest area showing how much muscled dude he is. His hair was gelled perfectly giving him a clean shaven look. This is the moment when magically gorgeous by Taylor Swift gets played in the background. If that's not possibly I may or may not sing to him right now.

"Princess!!!" I blinked my eyes rapidly and looked at him puzzled. "Are you OK? I have been calling but you just keep dazing at something."

"Huh? Uh! Nothing. I am fine. By the way what's with the suit and all? I didn't know suit and stuff were needed in the mafia."

"Me neither. Last year I went to that so called meeting in my jeans and t-shirt. Let me tell you I got the most dirtiest look I have ever seen in my life." He shudder a little at his memory.

"Is that why you are more dressed up for this year? So, you won't have to encounter those stares once again." He rolled his eyes and scoffed at my response.

"Like I care about those nasty looks of those swines. Although I don't care about the clothing, everyone insisted me to wear one after last year humiliation. Honestly speaking if I could, I would just go wearing a sack just to annoy the heck out of them." I looked at him in disbelief. Is this man in front of me really in his twenties?

"Now, I get it, why you were attacked last time."

I sighed shaking my head only to get a mischievous smirk and wink in return. I assess his get up one more time from head to toe. To say I was satisfied with the whole look would be an understatement. The only thing that made the dressing incomplete was a tie. He didn't have a tie on, I wasn't complaining even without a tie he looked breathtaking. I took a matching tie from the shelf and walked towards him. I showed him the material in my hand, he returned with a distaste look.

"I don't like tie."


"Because it is difficult to properly tie it and I feel suffocated."

"It's not that difficult, here I'll do it for you." I tried to wrap the cloth around his neck but he was so tall for my reach. It's not that I'm short or anything, I'm actually the giraffe of my school. I always had insecurity about my height, worried I won't get the right guy with this height but I guess I was worried for no reason. There are actually people way taller than me.

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