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Logan entered Jason's office to check on him. There he saw Jason leaning on the windowsill, smoking.

"You are smoking again." Jason took another drag not bothering to face his mate.

"Well, I don't see the point to stop now. Since the reason I stopped smoking has gone now."

"Even though it's hard to let her go, it was the right decision to make. Letting her stay here was only attracting danger for her. She will be more safe with her family." Logan patted Jason's shoulder in a gentle way.

"I know." Jason closed his eyes ignoring the pain coursing through his chest.

"Just imagine, the happy face she will have once she sees her father. You have always put her happiness above you. You should know her father is the biggest happiest for her."

"I know."

"If you know then stop being so sappy. It doesn't suit you. You look like a pvssy." Jason raised his brow and stubbed his cigarette.

"What did you say? I dare you to repeat it." Logan gave out a teasing smile before running off for his smile.
It was too late, though. Jason had already put him in a head lock.

"You fat a$$. You dare disrespect your boss again."

"Okay. Okay. Fine, I am sorry."

"That's like my boy." Jason patted Logan's head like he was treating a puppy. Logan swat Jason's hand away before smoothing his hair.

"You sure have grown up, to ruffled the guy's hair whom you'd always run to when scared."

"As much as I remember it was me who you two mofos ran to every time you were scared. You were all a bunch of sisses and couldn't even go to bathroom alone." Logan and Jason turned around to see Marcus entering the room with Jonathan and James.

"Oh! I remember this one time, we watched a horror movie and Jason was so scared to sleep alone at night, he pissed on the bed." The Singleton brothers high fived, snickering.

"Yeah, and I also remember how grandpa scolded me for being such a pvssy. Later, got him a smack on the head by grandma." Jason's distasteful expression was changed into a happy one when he remembered the times his grandma would always be on her side and go against grandpa for him.

"That also got him to sleep in the guest room, right?" Logan asked unsure if his memory was right.

"Yup, still didn't stop him from sneaking inside the room when we were sleeping. I remember clearly, going to bed with grandma and waking up the next morning in my own bed."

"God, that horny man. Even at such age, he'd always be ready to have some with grandma."

"Ugh.... I remember one time going to the study to only witness those two eating each other face." The Singleton brothers shudder at each of their comments which brought out a laugh from Marcus.

"Yes, how can I forget? You came to me crying about how grandpa was eating grandma."

"Which also made Jason and James cry." Marcus and Logan high fived, loving every bit of mockery.

"Give us some slack, we were ten."

"But on serious note, I never understood how a horny person like grandpa was able to stay loyal?" Everyone laughed reminiscing the past.

"God! I miss them. Especially granny." James hanged his head, facing the ceiling. "She was the only one who genuinely cared and loved us. If it weren't for our granny we would have been long dead."

"Don't exaggerate much. Our parents loved us too." Logan being the kind out of all, tried to defend their parents.

"Really they did, I am shocked because I never felt it." Jonathan put a hand on his chest faking shock.

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