age ten

19 3 1

When I was ten I got adopted. A nice family  what ever I hate it here though!  It's no  I fun lights out by 8 o'clock! I don't have any tine of my own! But luckily  I can walk home from school! It's a nice time to kill or stalk! A lot of times I'll stalk a person for a week by Friday  night  I kill! 
But school is hard I'm always getting picked on there's no one who understands me...I'm a danger to the other kids so I'm out in a special  class!  Becuse one time you ask the teacher  if he's ever killed someone  and then your "disturbed" as a child! Ugh I hate here. But there's this other boy that sits all the way in the corner  and he's always eathir looking at me or drawing me! I'd love to stalk him but I do dot kill kids! I kill low life ass holes!

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