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*Thank you all for your comments I'm really glad that you like it*

They drove to Phoenix early the next morning. As they both are nightowls they were very tired. Jill were sleeping on the passenger seat as Stevie suddenly turned the car off.

"woa..what?....are we there?" Jill woke up and saw a trembling Stevie.

"n-no I'm.....I.." 

"what's wrong mom?" Jill had a concerned look on her face.

"I...I can't do it...I can't go there"

 "what? of course you can mom. You've waited so long for that day you didn't saw them since 17 years or so"

"That's the point Jilly...What If they don't want to see me?"

"stop being ridiculous from what you've told me they're nice and loving people. Just like you mom. I really think that they're so glad to see you and they'll forgive you no matter what you've done. Wouldn't you forgive me?"

"...I guess you're right but-"

"STEPHANIE LYNN NICKS! You'll put your foot on the gas pedal now and drive to that damn house! No excuses Lady"

Stevie looked at her daughter with a stunned face. After a few seconds she continued driving.

"When did you got such assertiveness?"

"I don't know....think I've learned from the best", they both smiled at each other.

20 minutes later they arrived at the house.

"ok...we're there..." Stevie said exhaling deeply.

"It's okay mom...I'm always by your side ok?"

"I love you JillyBean"

"Love you too mommy"

They made their way to the door and before Stevie could say a thing Jill pressed the doorbell.

"J-Jill I wasn't ready"

"yeah...now you have to"

"maybe they aren't at home or may-"

Suddenly the door opened and Barbara came out the door. She looked at Stevie a few seconds as tears formed in her eyes.


"...H-Hey mommy....."

They both hugged each other and bursted out in tears.

"Oh my God Tee-Dee we've missed you so much"

"I'm so sorry mommy...so so sorry"

"sshhht....It's okay....it's okay babygirl. Your father will be so happy to see you! Jess? Look who's here!"

Jess came down the stairs. As Stevie saw her father more tears formed.

"Honey who is it I was........Stephanie.....?"

She smiled at him and gave him a nod. Jess hugged his daughter.

"Stevie I.....I'm so glad that you're okay...we were so concerned about you"

"I know daddy...I'm sorry..."

"It's ok...you're here...everything is okay now"

"And who's that young lady there?" Barbara said as she looked at Jill.

"This is Jillian..my daughter..your granddaughter. Say hi Jill"


As soon as she spoke that out both of her grandparents hugged her.

"I...can't breathe"

All of them laughed.

"oh my God you're so beautiful. You look a lot like your mother"

"thank you grandma" Jill smiled and felt a bit proud.

"Come on let's go inside. We have a lot to talk about"

Stevie hugged Jill after they walked in.

"thank you Jill. Without you I wouldn't have made it."

"you're welcome mom"

Barbara came out of the kitchen.

"so do you want to have something to drink?"

"yeah tea for Tee-Dee here" Jill giggled.


All of them laughed.

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