Help Wanted In Hell

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"How can you all be this stupid?" The booming voice asked almost as a rhetorical question. "I'm waiting." The man the voice was coming from turned around to face a room full of disfigured faces that at the moment were nowhere near as frightening as the seemingly normal man yelling at them.

"My lord, if I may. We don't really have any control over the humans anymore." A timid voice said reluctantly.

"No Shit." The man at the front of the room said. " Things have no doubt changed around here. I'm less of the lord of hell I used to be, now I'm more or less the CEO! You want to tell ME about losing control?How about this? I get sent to hell and am given the opportunity to have demons doing my bidding and collecting more souls for hell. Which at the time was a fantastic plan, People were so scared of the bible they wouldn't leave the house without saying a prayer. But can anyone tell me what happened? Where all of the power went?"

He looked around the room at what used to be demons. "Anyone? Come on don't be scared I know at least one of you know why we are where we are?" The room stayed silent demons looking at their overgrown nails or picking  at something on their clothing so they wouldn't call attention to themselves. Getting up from his chair the man walked closer to the small crowed of beings that used to be cause enough for constant fear for any living person, but now anyone could see them and think "I'v seen better in movies".

Grabbing the bridge of his nose when no one said anything he turned back around.

"They're damning themselves! There is absolutely no reason for any of you, you're all lucky I've even let you live this long. Now. We need to find a way to fix this. But before we try and fix the old solution  eh-hem you. I need proof any of you are still capable of doing your jobs. Leading humans to eternal damnation, its a simple thing I ask and yet for the last century I have been met with nothing but disappointment."

All eyes were on him now no one dared speak against Lucifer, anyone who had is no longer around to tell the tale. Though there was one girl who stepped past her brothers and sisters and whether it was out of bravery or stupidity we may never know.

"My lord.What if we held a competition? It seemed to work pretty well last time." The girl who stepped up was Sarah she could be compared  to an angry, murderous, vengeful teacher's pet. Being of new blood she hasn't been around for the centuries many of the others have and its clear in her face. While demons age they essentially  begin to change and decompose into monsters one much worse than the next. But Sarah still had the makings of a once beautiful face.

It's no secret demons are born from the broken souls of the damned and those who manage to hold through the torture become this beast. None of them ever had the intention of becoming what they are but they had no say in the matter.

"Sarah why is it you're the only one I have yet to lose faith in yet? If even a handful of you were even a minor percent as determined  as she is we wouldn't be having this problem." There was a shared eye roll from everyone in the room but Lucifer decided to ignore it. "What was your idea for this competition this time my dear?" He asked stepping towards the woman.

"Same as last time my lord. Though we could use the fact they are damning themselves to our advantage."

"I'm Listening."

" I say we choose two people from nearly perfect lives and make them insanely popular and famous. With them we can use them as puppets to convince their fans to commit sins that will consume them. Say we had a hollywood sweetheart start partying and doing horrible things her young fans will follow in suit." She said confidently staring at her lord who seemed to be thinking about the words she had just said.

"How would it be a competition?" He asked unsure of her point.

" Like last time I and another demon will choose two people and whomever brings the most fans down with them along with the celebrity wins. Either way no matter who wins there will be new souls for collection."

"I like it. Who will be your opponent?"

"I would like to request Sebastian. I have faith he might be able to redeem himself. She says with a smirk growing on her face as her and the other demons turn to the man standing in the corner of the room clearly taken off guard by the last statement.

"Then it is settled. Sarah and Sebastian you will go to earth and collect as many souls using another human as you possibly can. But this time there will be a penalty for the one who loses." With the last bit of information Sebastian instantly becomes tense and uncomfortable.

The demons are all dismissed other than Sarah and Sabastian, Once the room is empty other than the three standing in a small circle. They discuss the plan and the two start thinking about who the perfect target will be.

" Now I know we have been here before and it didn't end very will for you Sebastian but I do believe you will both do well this time. Sarah. You are dismissed go prepare for your mission and we will meet in the morning to send you to the mortal world." With a small nod Sarah leaves without a word and leaves Sebastian to Lucifer.

" Listen Sebastian I'm going to need you to put your all into this but most importantly you need to do one thing."

"What is it my Lord?" Sebastian asks slightly terrified of what will come next.

"Don't.Fuck.Up this time." With that said Lucifer backed away and waved his hand to signify he may go. With a shaky breath Sebastian leaves the room to prepare for the mission he knows will get him killed.


AN: Hey Guys its Kylie again Hope you're liking the story so far even though you don't have much to go on yet. Please vote and comment letting me know what you'd like to see come from the story! any Feedback and opinions are welcomed! Have a good day/night everyone I'm going to bed.

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