Ready To Go

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Sarah woke up the next morning in a strangers bed, remembering the night she had she smiled and began to grab her things. The room was torn up and it was obviously a fun night for her. After grabbing her shoes she glanced over at the body still laying in the bed, there was no movement and she knew it would be a messy surprise for his wife to find. As fun as it was she wasn't going to go to the funeral.

She slipped out of the house pulling her dress down a little lower. She didn't feel like doing the walk of shame even though she felt triumphant, so she goes down the first ally she sees and teleports herself to the hotel room. She put her shoes down and went quietly to the bed with a sleeping Sebastian. Very carefully and quietly Sarah reached over and shoved him off of the bed making him land with a loud thud and an instantaneous groan.

"Good morning!" Sarah said sweetly as she smirked at the man scrambling to get up.

With a glare Sebastian stood up and went to grab his suitcase. "You didn't have to do that you know. I get it we're demons but you don't have to be a bitch all the time."

Sarah gave a fake gasp and but her hand lightly over heart " Well I never!" She said in a mocking southern accent.

Sebastian just rolled his eyes and headed for the bathroom to change. Through the door he heard a phone go off and an increasingly annoying voice answered.

"Hello?" There was a pause as Sarah listened to the person on the other line. "Oh that's fantastic! I can't wait, how about we meet at that diner down town and we can get some coffee." Another pause and she confirmed a time and said her goodbyes.

Sebastian went to open the door when it was opened quickly by a very excited Sarah.

"Guess who that was!" She said giving him a sideways grin.

"The pope?" He said walking past her.

"Carson. I have a meeting with him in a few hours. What are the rules if only one of us gets our human? Do I win by default? That would be great but where's the fun in that?" Sarah rambled on about winning already but was quickly silenced when Sebastian's phone started to go off.

Sebastian smiled and let it ring for a second before reaching over to grab it from the side table.

"Hello?" He asked staring directly at Sarah.

"Oh uh hi! I-is this Sebastian?" The girl's voice asked from the other side.

"Yeah who is this?" He asked already knowing before the girl got a chance to say her name.

"It's Lisa from the diner yesterday I don't know if you remember me but you gave me your card."

"Oh Lisa! How could I forget I was waiting for your call. So I'm assuming you're interested?"

"Yeah! Um but I'm not sure if I'd be good at acting. I've never really done it before."

"No one was good when they first started. Do you think Johnny Depp was getting major movies at first? He could barely dress up as a hot dog for a fast food place. But we can go get some coffee and talk about it." Sebastian and Lisa talked for a few more minutes before deciding on a cafe on the other side of town from the diner.

"I guess you don't win by default." He said tossing some keys to Sarah. She grumbled and went to leave the hotel room to get ready for her meeting.


An excited squeak was heard coming from the living room of the young couple's apartment. Carson was sitting next to Lisa as she made her phone call to Sebastian. From the half of the conversation he heard they set a time to meet just as he and Sarah did.

The Impossible Year (Panic At The Disco inspired story)Where stories live. Discover now