Its Your Call

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The next morning Lisa woke up carefully cradled in her boyfriend's arms. Gently she crawled out of the surprisingly tight embrace and went to get dresses. On her way to her drawer she caught herself in the mirror. Her brown hair was tussled messily past her shoulders. She typically puts it up before bed but last night she was a little busy. She isn't Afraid to admit she stares a little longer than most people say you should but she looks at herself and points out every little flaw. Making a mental list of things she wishes she could change she points at everything. She wishes her stomach was flatter, her eyes were brighter, her lips were fuller, hair longer, skin clearer. She was her biggest critic and yet she still found things she liked, though the bad out weighs the good.

Lisa enjoyed waking up in the mornings, she had at least an hour before Carson would be up and she always took the silence to paint. She doesn't get to do it much anymore since she took more shifts at the diner but the rare moments she has alone she takes advantage of every minute. Going through her supplies she finds a blank canvas and pulls out her brushes. She goes to the window to find inspiration. She looks to the park where a little girl sits on a bench she was wearing a beautiful white dress while looking at her mother who was busy yelling at somebody on the phone. The seen was somewhat tragic but it was good enough for Lisa.

She sketched out a bench far more beautiful than the bright green metal one the girl was really sitting on. Before she realized what time it was the painting was almost perfect. Since she was too far away to actually see the girl's face she imagined one instead with perfectly blushing cheeks and light pink lips. In the portrait the girl was looking at a rose and seemingly admiring its beauty.

There were only minor details left when she realized she's been sitting on the floor for almost four hours. Looking at the time 10:56am, she hopped up and ran to the bedroom to wake a sleeping Carson.

"Babe. Babe." She whispered while awkwardly shaking his shoulder. "You need to get up we have work in two hours and you need a shower." Carson had lived with her and her parents for about three months before they found their apartment. Since the first night he came to them she's taken care of him, making sure he sleeps, eats, practices on his piano. But she doesn't mind, she's always enjoyed taking care of people.

"Mh-mm" he hummed trying to show he's awake.

"Nope! That's not going to work this time you have two hours and I'm already worried we're going to be late." Lisa laughed Taking the overs off of him not expecting him to be fully naked.

"Hey! What was that for?" He said suddenly sitting up and going to cover himself with his hands.

" I don't know why you're still trying to cover yourself Because ya know... I have seen it before." Lisa said throwing a pair of shorts at him before she left the room to finish her painting.

"I know but that's different the other times were nice. That was just cruel." He said trying his best to sound angry but she could her the laughter coming through his words.

Lisa sits back down at the painting and begins mixing a few colors she needs to finish when she hears the shower start.

"Good boy." She whispers.


The couple come up to the restaurant doors and come in to see their boss pouring coffee into one of the regular's cups.

"Good afternoon you two. Did you have a good anniversary?" The older woman asked.

"It was pretty great. Eva can you believe Carson actually took me to that restaurant down by the beach?" Lisa said clocking in and grabbing her apron.

"No!" She said with surprise shock "Well that's good dear you two deserve it." Eva said putting the coffee pot back in its place. Carson ran to the back to help Dean with the dishes.

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