Chapter 2-Twins?!

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I stared at the stars. I always saw stars as some kind of distraction for the times I'd get bummed about my dad.

A cowardice, hypocrite, a despised dickhead. He was a horrible parent. He's the reason why I can't have a descent talk with mom. He traumatized her. He made her blind until she had the guts to open her eyes out of the lies that built her love to him. He's one weak piece of shit. I hope he dies bitterly.

Yikes. I might've gotten a little too mushy...

I brushed off my thoughts of my dad and took glanced at Lily. She was sleeping like a baby. I smiled at her. She was sprawled into an awkward position.

I stood up from the chair and carried her to the bed. Shit, she's more heavier than I expected. I would've expected her to be light as a feather but just because she's small doesn't mean she's light. I stumbled down with her in my arms. She woke up and pushed me off as soon as she saw me.

"Did the world end? Did I just fall down the bed again? Or did I die? Has anyone died? God, I hope that didn't happen. God, I'm blabbering again." She rambled. She was breathing heavily as she spoke. I kept my laugh to myself and sucked in a breath.

"No, the world didn't end. No, nobody died. And yes, you were blabbing like your life depended on it." I said honestly.

"Did I fall down the bed?" She asked

"Well, you fell asleep on the chair and I thought I should carry you to bed but I fell down." I explained.

"Thanks. I'm gonna make this easier for both of us. I'm going to my room and you can sleep now and have the bed all for yourself." She said as she stood up and approached the door.

I did what first thought came into my mind. And that is not by kissing her. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a tight hug. She soon accepted the sudden event and gave in.

"Can you stay with me? Just for tonight."
"No funny business." She said sternly
"Yes, McGonagall." I replied, I looked back at her and she just rolled her eyes and shook her head disapprovingly

"Carter? Have I infected you with my weirdness?" She asked seriously then chuckles. I don't know why but I felt like I blushed.

"Oh, now I make you blush!" She exclaimed. And soon after she blushed herself.

"Right back at you, Williams. You better sleep." I demanded and pushed out of the hug.

"Whatever, cow" She said. She's lucky that I don't understand why and how.

"Goodnight." I said to her

"Bonne nuit, ninny." She replied happily as she jumped on the bed.
(Goodnight, ninny)

"I hope you said handsome." I muttered to myself.

I scanned the room and found stuffed animals, spare pillows, and thick blankets.I made a bed out of what I could find.

I would've slept earlier if I knew her answer was no. But, turns out I'm not an old hag that read minds and look into the future with just a palm of your hand.

I stared at the ceiling for almost five minutes realizing that I can't sleep until all the stuff in here is touched by yours truly. And the temptation was too strong and I had to do it.

I looked in some of the books in her shelves. And it was more of yearbooks and empty photo albums.

I took one yearbook and scanned the pages. I found her face in the page of Student Body. She's the secretary. I looked at the forced smile she gave the camera. And I took a long good look into her eyes. Those beautiful emerald greens. I remembered the time in the bathroom, she fell on top of me and we just stared. She stood up and I saw her face was flushed bright red. I smiled as I remembered a tomato by thinking at the shade of red she was.

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