The truth

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Garroths pov
I can't believe Aphmau is
lady Irene herself. I will not think of her differently but still wow.
We just got back from the
forest when we heard the news. Laurence broke out Sasha and Michi.
I just won't let myself believe
that Laurence actually did that. It's just not him.
When I heard I ran away from
them. Laurence wouldn't do something like this I should've been there for him but I wasn't.
"Garroth, where are you! It's me Vylad why did you ran away. Garroth!"
I didn't even bother
to answer. I don't even know where I am all I know is I am near a tree crying my eyes out over my best friend.
Why am a such a mess over
my best friend. It's not like I like him as a lover or do I?
"Garroth there you are
I've been looking everywhere for you! Hey are you ok?"
"No Vylad I'm not I
should've been there for him but I wasn't and now I am losing the one I truly love!" I yelled.
Wait did I just say
that Laurence is the one I truly love. No he is like a brother to me but...
"Garroth hey calm
down Laurence will be just fine. He will come back to us. I promise."
"No Vylad Laurence
needs me and I need to be there for him for once in my life."
And with that
I started to run to
the nether portal even tho I heard Vylad calling my name. I can not turn back now.

I'm coming
Laurence! Just wait for me please I don't know what I would do with out you.
I love you Laurence and I will until my last breath!

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