Answering the Calling

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Laurence's pov
As I entered the portel the
faimiler purple swirls filled my eyes. I closed them and waited
As soon as my feet
touched the nether rack I felt like something was wrong.
Suddenly I got a vision,
Garroth on the ground barely breathing with a huge stab wound near heart.
I yelled, it couldn't be real right?
Then memories of
me and Garroth came rushing back to me.
Flash back
I was right outside my house in the yard. I had a wooden soward in my hand.
I looked up to see a blonde
haired blue eyed boy starring at me through a window.
With with out me knowing
I waved to him. He blushed a light pink and smiled.
Then I heard a someone
yell a name the boy turned around and I could see fear in his eyes.

*time skip to the next day*

I saw the same boy again so I asked him to play. He said yes so I gave him my wooden soward
We had so much fun.

Next thing I knew I needed to go home. "Hey by the way I'm Laurence."

"Cool I'm Garroth."

"Oh I have to go home now keep the soward as a gift."

"Thanks no one has given me anything before."

"Well see ya tomorrow."

"Umm I am going home tomorrow so this is goodbye I guess."


Then to my surprise he hugged me and whispered in my ear
"We will see each other again I will make sure of that."

End of flash back

My head hurted so
bad after that. When did that even happened?

"Laurence Garroth
Needs you! He hasn't much time left go to him."

Aphmau? What Garroth
I ran back to the portal as fast as I could.


Warning I am so sorry but the next part will be super sad!"

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