There is still hope left

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Laurence's POV
I went to find Aph well
carrying Garroth bridel style. He looked so cute. He was snuggling against my chest and was mumbling in his sleep.
I didn't pay attention
to what he was saying but I heard my name a couple of times.
I found Aphmau by a
fire with blankets under a tree.
"Hey Aph...."
"Oh hey Laurence how
is he? He looks better to me."
"Yeah he is better we should
hit the hay soon so we can head back to the town at sunrise."
"K, night Laurence."
I walked over to one of the
blankets and put Garroth down on it. I was going over to the other blanket but Garroth wouldn't let go of my hand.
I just laid down next
to him and we cuddled for the rest of the night.
*time skip to the next morning cause I can*
I wake up to someone
calling my name. It was almost like a whisper but I could still hear it.
"Five more minutes Aph!"
"L-Laurence please
wake up."
I open my eyes to see
Garroth looking at me but his skin was pale and he was sweating.
"Garroth your awake what's
I yelled. I put my hand on his
forehead and he was burning up.
I got up and went to
the nearest lake I could find. I took my scarf off and doped it in the cool water.
I ran back and rubbed
it on his forehead trying to get his fever down.
"Laurence what happened?"
"You took the hit for Aphmau
and passed out. I brought you here and now you have a fever I guess."
"Laurence I need to
tell you something."
"Yeah what is it."
"Well I realized something
once I found out you ran away.
And that is.....that.....I love you Laurence Zavlh I really do."
"I love you too Garroth.
That's why I came back. For you."
Then I kissed him and
he kissed back.
Maybe there is still hope
For a better future. Well at atleast I know one thing tho that I fell on love with Garroth Ro'meave once my best friend and now my love forever and ever.

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