005 | containers

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01 | What are containers for?

Containers are used for mixing codes. Codes are put in a certain container in order for them to work together. This may seem confusing as I am really bad at explaining things. Eh. My bad. Anyway, for further more information go to the thread given that located on the external link below.

There are 4 containers namely:< div>, <span >, <paragraph > and the <blockquote >. They can contain codes. The four containers has it's own uses and abilities.

Our first container has its tag : <div>

It means division. It can contain a large amount of codes. Divs are commonly used in wattpad.

• can contains large bodies of text

• no default padding

• no default background

• most versatile container

Our second container has its tag: <blockquote>

Blockquotes contains small amount of codes.

• has 10px default padding

• round corners (selected browsers)

• background default color light yellow

Our third container has its tag : <span>

• more used on editing colors, fonts, etc.

• no default background and padding

• can't set height or width

Our fourth container has its tag: : <p>

• for texts only

• used to block paragraph texts

• set text margin and line height

Again, this lesson can be found on the thread post #10 or you could click on the external link below to directly go to the post.

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