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Sequester: to keep a person apart from other people

After having taken Gallagher's truck and stolen a licence plate, the two were ready for an hour and fifteen minutes of driving. They were headed to Dover in hopes of leaving the country and moving on to other parts of Europe. River knew of a place they could crash for the rest of the night; a small house owned by George Martin, the lead scientist that had once run the mind experiments.

Along the way, Isobel got to know her companion a little bit more, from the music he enjoyed to a few hobbies. However, discussion was limited, mostly because the topic of identity was frequently touched yet unanswered. Although he made it seem as if he were as clueless as her, he couldn't say much about himself since she wasn't ready for it. Instead, he asked her a simple question.

"Isobel, what would you do if you discovered that I wasn't a human?" he said.

She paused to give it thought. "Naturally, I'd be shocked at first, but I suppose I'd learn to live with it..." Another pause, followed by a smile. "You don't have any tentacles or claws do you?"

He chuckled. "No, I don't..." He changed the subject after another pause. "Why were you so fascinated by my handwriting?"

"It is now considered something of the old days," she said sternly. "So is your wrist watch."


"Technology has thrived and people are now expected to be perfect. Anyone holding a flaw within them must be killed. However, some 'imperfections' can be hidden, thus going unnoticed amongst the rest of society." He didn't know what to say. If he knew how to do simple things such as read a watch, sew a shirt and write with a pen, how old was his mind?

Arriving to the house, River had to carry Isobel inside, for she had fallen asleep in the truck. Settling down, he got working on his laptop, trying to get three things done at once.

First, he got in contact with Koda through a private untraceable chat room, letting him know that he's dragged himself into hell and won't be back any time soon, as well as telling him that he found the girl he was looking for, and that he was going to need his help, or at least, if he were to return to the cloud, that he should be prepared for the worse.

Second, he started working on coding a program that would be capable of transforming any computer into one that can access the deep web, putting it on a USB stick once he was finished.

Lastly, Isobel's knowledge of how everything around her worked had intrigued him, so he spent some time learning everything he could about his companion. To do that, he needed to access certain files, which he was lucky to have the authority to see, since he was a what you could call a former CIA agent.

Unfortunately, one thing about her came to his dismay.

She was on the autistic spectrum ever since she was about 16, with a mild case of Asperger's Syndrome, rendering her a fugitive of the law as well. Though this seemed like something terrible at first, it explained her uncanny gift for chemistry, as well as her level of language and the need to wear soft clothes. After all, autism was found not to be only in the brain, but throughout the body as well.

But what scared him the most, was the fact that she had managed to live with her illness for a little over five years going unnoticed. Someone must've been helping her out.

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