New Girl

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*Park Yun Seok *

I woke up early in the morning because I want to be alone for awhile...

good thing there was a park in front of.the apartment this way I can't get lost...

I sat down in a bench that was empty I got my.headphones and mp3 the one I am listening is not Korean

did I told you that I HATE Korean? well you really need to....

then I felt someone as of that.person tapped my shoulder..

then that person headphones off

"Hey! what the-----" I said and saw a girl...

" " she asked...

"Nope,you can sit if you like" I said...

is she Korean?? I don't think so... she looks like American...I'll just ask her.

"who are you?" I asked her...

"oh sorry,my name is min Jung or for short Ally... I am full Korean but doesnt speak much Korean words cause I was born in America,you?"

what!? she's full Korean!

"I am Park Yun Seok for short Mark,and I am half Korean and Filipino..."

after that we started to talk....

she is kinda Nice for a Korean girl...

then I noticed I liked her,even though we meet today it feels like we meet a long time ago...

I also knew she doesn't have a boyfriend..

"can I be your boyfriend" I didn't know I said that out load and she started to giggle...

*sigh I was so embarrassed...

"yes,you can be my boyfriend!"

*Kim Jay Pov*

I woke up early in the morning and noticed that Mark is going outside...

I followed him and he stopped in the Park which Is really near the apartment...

then he got his headphones out and played a song...

then there was a girl who tapped his back and then she sat down beside him...

I'll leave him be....

I went back to the apartment then suddenly
"Yah! where did you go!?" Luhan asked me in a mean way,wait is he really mad... 

at ME!?

"Hey! I only left for like 25 min and you get mad at me for no reason!? why are you getting mad at me huh!?" I said,BOOM! that made him speechless..

I went to look for the girls to tell them about Mark...

then after I told them there reaction was so funny HAHAHAHAHA!!! 

after an hour we waited for Mark then suddenly my phone rang, it's my dad calling...

****talking in phone****

dad: Juliet!you and your friends are going in a different school as your older brother...

me: so what's the school called dad?

dad: it's called Special School,your brother school is Magic and Arts Science university...  is it Ok if you start maybe next week.Monday?

me:sure dads! I'll tell my friends too...

dad:bye sweetheart!


****end call****

I told about it to the girls Mark... what's taking him soooo lo----

"guys......I'" the hell!?did Mark just ran somewhere to here!?

"where were you!?what took you so long to come here!?"Mei asked...

she is frustrated cause we have been waiting here for like 1-2hours here outside the apartment(rooftop) ...

"well...uh.....cause.....uh....." is Mark like cutting his words!?

"spit it out Mark!" Alex shouted...


"WHAT!?!?!?!? "

*Anonymous Pov*

I'll confess to her soon.... it shouldn't be him first... Ok I'll make my fist move and let her fall inlove with me...


sorry for the.late.update!!!! soon you will meet the anonymous but if you knew already DON'T SPOIL!!!!!



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