|Chapter 7|

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||Contempt: the feeling with which a person regards anything or anyone considered mean, vile, or worthless; disdain; scorn.||

After a hearty dinner, Alex had taken Arabella home, she was still nervous about meeting with the King; it would have to happen eventually as an introduction to the pack. It had given Alex a splendid idea which he voiced when he told her he had a surprise for her the next day.

Arabella had gotten up at five, the time she was trained to, and it was a habit that she could not outlive. It was when Alex had called her to tell her to get dressed in gym clothes when she realized what his surprise was. He was taking her to train with the King's warriors, to spar with them.

Alex had reassured her that the King would not be there as he had taken precautionary methods to stall and mislead his cousin. Upon hearing this, Arabella readily agreed to his nice gesture.

Arabella had just gotten dressed when Alex barged into her house to find her with an apple in her mouth as she bent down to tie her laces.

"You ready?" Alex asked with a grin spread across his face.

Rising from the floor, Alex took in Arabella's attire. She was wearing grey sweatpants and a black crop top which displayed her fit physique as it revealed a small portion of her tummy.

He looked fixedly at her stomach which was contoured with dainty pairs of abs. Alex would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed.

"Yes I'm ready." Arabella said quite excited. She was going to train with the Royal warriors.

Alex quickly looked up at Arabella who was about to take another bite of her apple. In a flash he was by her side about to abduct her juicy red fruit, as he swiftly outstretched his hand to grab it, Arabella was much swifter as she quickly dodged his attempt and was suddenly by the front door now.

Stunned, Alex looked at her, he was the Royal Beta and she had dodged his attempt. Brushing it off, a smirk formed on his face, "Stroke of Luck."

Arabella scoffed, she was anything but lucky, but she kept quiet as she knew Alex was joking.

"Let's go." She said hurrying him.

Grinning, Alex led Arabella out the door to a white SUV, one of the royal vehicles.

Now in the car, Alex occasionally stole glances at Arabella until he finally made up his mind to tell her, "Arabella, you should know Grey doesn't allow females to train with the warriors."

Her eyes widened as she looked at Alex, "Why would you bring me then?"

Arabella's body trembled with contempt for the King. 'Not allowing females to train with them. How Demeaning!' She thought.

"Don't worry, I talked to the warriors , they don't mind." Alex said trying to reassure her.

About to continue their discussion, a vast cream castle with came into display. It looked like something that came right out of a Disney movie.

Stopping at the gates, the guard quickly recognized Alex and hurriedly open the gates. Driving to the back of the estate, he parked and escorted Arabella to the sparring area.

Arabella scanned the area and studied the group of shirtless, muscular men standing in a corner, who looked like they were examining her and trying to figure out something.

Walking to the stretch of land specifically for training, Arabella left Alex as he stopped to tell someone something.

He was telling the guard to inform him when the king arrived. Catching up to Arabella, he caught the men ogling at her body and glared at the men as if to tell them she was off limits.

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