Welcome Home! (Fairytail)

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Lucy was sitting with Natsu, Gray, and Happy in the guild tavern. Natsu smiled and looked at Gray.
"Did you hear that Astraea is coming back from that long mission?" He asked with a laugh.
"Don't joke about her!" Gray yelled, slamming his fist on the table.
"Why? Because you like her?" He joked.
"No, it's just not nice to do that to people." He yelled back, crossing his arms.
"Who's Astraea?" Lucy asked Happy.
"Astraea Starcreed is really strong wizard because of her Stardust Dragon Slayer magic. Astraea was raised just like Natsu, but her dragon died in a collapse of an Ice cave. Gray freed her and brought her to the guild, and she usually doesn't stay here very long." He said replied.
"What's she like?" She asked.
"Really quiet, friendly, and cold. The coldness seems to go away when she's around Gray, how ironic." He concluded, looking at the two boys fighting. A piece of wood flew at Happy and Lucy, so they ducked.
"How long until she comes back?" Lucy asked.
"Three, two, one..."
Gray and Natsu stopped fighting and looked at the entrance. There she was, Astraea Starcreed, the Stardust Dragon Slayer. She had long black hair, Icy blue eyes, and a robe that was all black with a purple and green design on it and no sleeves.

Astraea's arms were covered in blue markings, and her black guild tattoo was on her left temple

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Astraea's arms were covered in blue markings, and her black guild tattoo was on her left temple.
"Astraea!" The boys yelled. She walked in, then walking became storming, and storming became running.
"GRAY!" She yelled, tackling him. Lucy screamed and Natsu jumped back.
"What did he ever do to her?!" Lucy fretted. When the dust cleared, Astraea had Gray in a very tight hug.
"Never go to Galuna Island without me, okay? I could have help you out on the quest if you didn't take it!" She scolded him.
"It wasn't me! Natsu took it!" Gray told her. She got up and looked at Natsu.
"How stupid are you?" She asked, storming over to him and taking Natsu by the scarf.
"I forgot to mention she's really scary like Erza." Happy said.
"Why didn't you wait until I came back?" She demanded.
"You would have taken too long!" He said, grabbing her hands. She let go of Natsu and he fell to the floor.
"How would you have been able to help us on Galuna Island?" Lucy asked. Astraea looked at her and walked over to the table.
"I know a lot about the moon and its magic." She replied. "What's your name?" She asked.
"My name is Lucy!" She replied. Astraea smiled at her.
"Well, I'm guessing you're somewhat new to the guild since I haven't seen you, so welcome." She said to Lucy. Gray walked over and stood next to her.
"What brings you home? I though you would have been on that mission longer, not complaining." He asked.
"I just thought I would come home and stay here for a while. I'm tired of being on a mission all the time." She said, sitting down.
"You're really pretty, how come I've never heard of you?" Lucy asked. She has the same figure as me, maybe a bit bigger, but she's short. I hope she's important! Lucy thought.
"Well, I don't go by the name Astraea to people outside the guild. Everyone calls me the Starlight Empress." Astraea explained to her. Lucy gasped and put her hands to her face.
"You're the Starlight Empress?!" Lucy asked excitedly. "Can I see your magic?" She asked.
"Sure, but I'll need someone to fight. Hey Natsu, want to fight?" She asked, looking down at him.
"YEAH!" He yelled, "I'll beat you this time!" Natsu finished, getting up.
"Let's go." Astraea said, sitting up and walking out of the bar. Lucy, Natsu, and Happy followed her excitedly while Gray walked a little bit behind them.

They got into the forest where Astraea liked to train in. Her and Natsu stood in a straight line across from each other. Happy directed Lucy and Gray to a safe place where they wouldn't get hurt.
"Let's do this!" Natsu yelled, punching his fists together.
"Alright." Astraea growled, putting her hands together. Blackish-blue galaxies formed in a spiral in front of her hands. Natsu charged at her with a flaming fist.
"Starlight Shield!" She yelled, holding her arm up to Natsu's fist as a phalanx shield formed in front of it. The knock back sent him flying across the clearing and hitting into a tree. He got back up and put his fists together again. Astraea did the same thing.
"Double Starlight Titan Gloves." She growled. Two spiked gloves formed around her hands and she charged at Natsu.
"So her magic is like your Ice Make?" Lucy asked Gray.
"Basically, but it's even colder and it seems to burn its victims." He replied. Natsu and Astraea jumped into the air, about to punch each other in the face. Ice formed on Natsu's face and it started to crystallize. His eyes widened with shock and he felt the freezing but burning pain throughout his whole face as she punched him. Natsu was sent straight to the ground and he made a crater because of the force.
"Natsu!" Lucy yelled, running over to him.
"Don't worry, I just froze his mouth shut." Astraea said, walking over and kneeling next to Natsu. She closed her eyes and something on her chest glowed under her clothing. The ice on Natsu's face receded and he stood up.
"I'll beat you one day! I know I will!" He yelled.
"I really should have kept your mouth frozen, but it would have spread through your entire body, then you would be dead." She replied matter-of-factly. He shut up as Gray walked over to them.
"Gray, your clothes." Astraea said to him. He was in his underwear again. She walked over to her bag that was sitting against a tree, pulled a pair of pants out, and threw it at Gray.
"I don't have an extra shirt for you." She said in a sorry voice as she kept looking through her bag.
"Natsu, Happy, and I are going back to the guild. Are you guys coming?" Lucy asked, helping Natsu get up off the ground.
"I'm gonna stay here a little bit." Astraea yelled back, taking a picture book out of her bag.
"I'm gonna stick around too." Gray told them.
"Okay, but come back soon!" She told them, waving goodbye as they walked away. When they were out of sight, Astraea sat against the tree and looked at her picture book. Gray slowly walked over to her.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"My powers- I feel like they're becoming too destructive and harmful. I was close to freezing Natsu's whole head." She said sadly, bringing her arms and legs closer to her body. Gray sat next to her and put an arm around her.
"You have those tattoos that Mugen gave you." He said reassuringly.
"I really miss her, it's been so long since the collapse." She replied, resting her head against Gray. Mugen was the Stardust Dragon that took her in and cared for her for Astraea's whole life.

"Why are we doing this?" Lucy asked Natsu as he dragged her through the forest.
"We have to spy on them to see if they get all romantic! You're a girl, shouldn't you like these things?" He asked.
"Yeah!" Happy agreed. They saw Astraea and Gray sitting next to each other.
"What if I hurt you? What if I accidentally kill someone I love?" Astraea asked Gray, tears starting to stream down her face.
"I'm sure you won't hurt anyone, Astrie." He said, "If you would ever try to, I would stop you, understand?" Gray asked her.
"Are those tears running down her face?" Happy asked Natsu. "No one has ever called her Astrie before, it must be a thing they have." The Cat suggested.
"Yeah, I thought they were supposed to freeze." He said to Happy.
"Why are you guys so surprised her tears aren't freezing?" Lucy asked.
"Her body is ice cold, and that usually happens. Gray is the only one who's seen the true Astraea." Happy explained.
"Oh, then let's not bother them." She said, dragging them away.

"Is this a book of paintings from our childhood?" Gray asked, trying to lighten the mood.
"Yeah, I always look at it because it reminds me of how happy I was back then." She sniffed, opening it up again. The first picture was when her and Gray joined the guild. Like always, he didn't have a shirt on, but he had the biggest smile ever. Astraea had a soft smile, a black T-shirt, jean shorts, and she was holding up her fringe to see the guild mark on her face. She turned the page, it was a picture of everyone as kids. She turned endlessly through the pictures, all the happy memories, the good times. The sun was going down and Astraea was getting tired.
"There something I want to do before you go home." He said as she looked up to him. Astraea had no idea what to expect, so she prepared for whatever he did. Then Gray put his hand on the back of her head, pulled her closer, and kissed Astraea's forehead. Her eyes widened with shock as he stopped kissing it and pulled her head closer to his heart.
"I love you, Astraea." He said with a smile.
"I love you too, Gray." She said.

This is my first story with my Fairytail OC! I hope you guys like it💙

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