Attack on Courage

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Here we go again, for the fifth time, nearly 75% or her whole squad would die. The last couple times, Ketsueki has survived the wrath of the 5-15 meter tall Titans. Horrid creatures, they are basically de-clothed humans with little hair and a massive mouth. Titans will keep fighting, even if you decapitate them, cut off their limbs, or shoot them with cannons. Their only weakness is the back of their necks. The swords attached to Ketsueki's 3D maneuvering device was made to slice that part off of them and was one of the main keys to survival. Her horse, Tyto, helped with the speed and the agility to get away or around the titans. Every horse in the Scout Regiment was bred for that and endurance. Ketsueki tied back her long scarlet red hair and made her way to the stables, ready to meet her new squad. When she got to the stables, two people were their feeding the horses.
¨Hello, my name is Ketsueki Zoe,but you will be calling me Captain.¨ Ketsueki said in a strong voice. A short, pale girl with green eyes and black hair tied into a ponytail walked over and gave her heart.
"My name is Lilly, nice to meet you Captain!" Lilly said cheerfully, smiling. A guy who looked exactly like Lilly only 2 feet taller walked over and gave his heart.
"My name is Steve, I'm Lilly's older brother. Nice to meet you." He said in a deep voice, basically bending down to see Ketsueki.
"Oh no..." She thought, "Siblings, just like a had a sibling. The only difference, he was a she." Ketsueki thought to herself. She was about 26 when her sister, Ciara, was killed by a Titan right in front of her. That happened 5 years ago, and she still wasn't over it.
"Excuse me, Captain Ketsueki?" An unfamiliar voice asked. She snapped back into reality and saw a kid with short blond hair and blue eyes looking at her.
"Sorry, who are you?" Ketsueki asked.
"I'm Bucky, nice to meet you." He said, giving his heart. " Sorry I got here late, I was in the bathroom be-"
"Don't worry, we all know." She finished for him, "I felt sick too, but let's mount up quickly before Captain Levi has the urge to kill us." She said in a joking tone, blushing at Levi's name.
"Do you like Captain Levi?" Lilly asked with a smirk.
"NO." Ketsueki yelled, her face turning red. Bucky and Steve turned around and looked at her.
"NOPE. NOPE. NOPETY NOPE." She yelled, "LETS GET GOING." Ketsueki finished. Everyone threw the green Wings of Freedom cloaks over their heads and got everything ready on their horses.
"Flares?" Ketsueki asked.
"Check." They responded.
"Gear fixed and ready?"
"Flare guns?"
"What?!?!?!" They asked her with scared faces. Ketsueki laughed and trotted her horse in front of everyone. She turned her horse and spoke.
"I want to thank all of you. Lilly, Steve, Bucky, because of you, humanity has a chance to fight back . Thank you for having the courage to give your hearts." Ketsueki finished. Everyone made their right hand into a fist, put it to the left side of their chest, and smiled. Ketsueki nodded and they met up with Levi and Hanji in front of the gate. Everyone was cheering for them, giving them the hope and courage they needed to fight the threat to humanity. There was a lot of yelling and then the gate started to open. The Scout Regiment raced out, and the bloodbath began.

After a few hours, the regiment was walking through the gate with carts full of dead bodies. Ketsueki was riding in front of the cart that held Lilly's and Steve's bodies. Bucky sat in the cart, looking traumatized.
"Bucky lived, and the fact that he has no tears means a lot. Hopefully he has the courage to do that again...." Ketsueki thought to herself as they rode through the streets.

When they got back to headquarters, Ketsueki walked to her room. Levi was waiting for her in there, organizing her desk.
"I forgot to clean that, sorry." Ketsueki said, walking over to the bed and collapsing on it. She covered her eyes with an arm.
"I heard you lost two more teammates today." He said, sitting next to her.
"They were siblings like Ciara and I. One lived, his name is Bucky, and I'm thankful that he survived." She told him, sitting up. "I've never thought about my sister more than today. I just... I don't even know. I miss her so much and I can't stop thinking what it would be like if she lived. Those damn-"
Out of nowhere Levi tackled her onto the bed.
"Ugh, I'm done hearing about those Titans." He said, kissing her.
"I'm done with everything." Ketsueki said as Levi rolled over and laid next to her.
"I hope your not done with me, Mayfield." Levi said matter-of-factly. Ketsueki turned her head and gave him an unimpressed face for using her original last name. She stood up and fell onto Levi's stomach, sitting on top of him. He let out a breath of pain as she fell onto him and closed his eyes. Ketsueki moved forward, closed her eyes, and hugged him.
"I'll never be done with you, even after I die, I will still care and love you." She said to him in a sweet voice. They fell asleep together and didn't move one inch until the next morning.

I had to do this for LA but I edited a few things XD. Levi is a badass and I love him okay. #thereisnoescapefromheichou

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