01: Family Ties

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Jo woke up late the next morning, shortly after her cousin left for school and hours after Liz went to work. With the house to herself Jo took to the kitchen in search of food and started her day with three syrup drowned toaster waffles, and a mug of luke warm coffee.

After finishing her breakfast Jo went back to her room and retrieved her laptop from her bags. Using many skills Ash had taught her she researched all strange animal attacks or deaths in Mystic Falls since the town's founding. There were many similarities in the attacks; victims drained of blood, killed usually during the night, and other vampire like qualities.

Jo knew it was still early in the case to confirm, but vampire was the most likely option. And if the recent attacks was the work of the undead creature, it wasn't like the ones she used to hunt. The bite marks on the autopsy was different, the attacks were more brutal, and in one town it was too common for the ones she was used to. There was a chance Jo was wrong, but these attacks seemed like the work of cursed vampires.

Making their first apearence a little over a thousand years ago, these vampires were originally created by a witches spell to mimic the older species of vampire. But these were stronger, faster, and had a lot more bloodlust. Jo had only heard rumors of them, despite their higher population than normal vampires. Rarely did a hunter fight against one and live. These vamps were also where the good ol' stake to the heart method came from. Though beheading would work too.

Despite the new challenge, the blonde huntress was calm, unafraid, maybe a little excited. Slightly on the naïve side, she picture defeating this vampire and then bragging to Sam and Dean about. Not that she particularly cared what the Winchesters thought of her. Especially Dean.

"Jo, I'm home! Ready to go shopping for your Founders Party dress?" Caroline's perky voice interrupted Jo from her research.

She still needed to look up possible weaknesses for these new vampires, the easiest ways to kill them, she was not here to party-

"Not even dressed? You've had an eventful day." Caroline said in a sarcastic tone that made Jo crack a smile.

"Care- do I really have to-"

"You're going. Now go shower." Caroline interrupted her older cousin who raised her hands in surrender before collecting what she needed to shower from her bags.

After her shower, Jo dressed in tight denim jeans, a grey vee neck, her typical worn combat boots, and a leather jacket. Caroline disapproved of the entire outfit.

"We're going to have to work on your fashion while you're here."

"What's wrong with the way I dress?" Jo said, already thinking of how functional and comfortable it was, two reasons Caroline silently added to the cons list.

"You dress like you're camping. It's a problem."


Jo vowed to never go shopping with Caroline again, at least not without setting a time limit and boundaries. The teen was relentless when it came to the quest for the perfect dress. Although many fit the brown eyed girl, so many she determined as 'just not right'. It was infuriating to the dress hating Jo.

"Just wait, this weekend we're restyling your whole wardrobe. Call me back when you need your hair and makeup done." Caroline said cheerily before strutting down the hall to get ready.

Jo had to admit, the dress was pretty. With a simple halter top design, the maroon fabric reached to mid thigh, and the gold jewelry and shoes she bought complimented her hair and eyes well too.

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