02: Family Ties (p.2)

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*A/N- Wow, my editor must be on vacation... Again, unedited, sorry*

Jo found her younger cousin standing near the historical exhibits with two men and a girl next to her. The girl had dark hair and eyes and wore an orange and gold dress that complimented her olive skin tone. Next to her was a handsome boy with styled light brown hair and intense green eyes. Beside Caroline, Jo identified the problem.

Damon, Jo presumed, was older than herself by about two or three years. He had raven hair as dark as the winter night sky that stood out in stark contrast with his luminous blue eyes. His lips were pulled into a smirk that would cause any straight woman's stomach to flop. Jo's sanity was confirmed when his eyes met her topaz orbs and she blushed.

"Jo! I was just talking about you." Caroline chirped brightly and Jo forced a smile, blushing an even deeper shade of red.

"All good things, I hope." Jo managed out and Damon's smirk grew at her obvious discomfort.

"I don't think Caroline did you justice in my opinion." Was he flirting with her? Right in front of his own date? And why was she still blushing!

"So, like I was saying. This is Damon, my date. This is Elena and her date Stefan, Damon's younger brother." Caroline said, indivually pointing at her friends.

Jo tossed an innocent wave at the friendly Elena, and constipated looking Stefan.

"Hi." Jo managed to squeak out. "So um, any of you know the town history?" Jo said, desperate to throw the attention off her.

She looked at the span of glass cases containing documents and knick-knacks from the eighteen hundreds and let her eyes settle on a list of names.

"Don't know, don't care. Stefan, would you dance with me? Damon refuses to." Caroline whined for the first time Jo met her. It seemed Damon did not inspire the best behavior from the seventeen year old.

"Um, it depends on whether or not my date minds." Stefan says and looks to Elena for help.

"I don't." Elena said forcing a smile. Caroline squealed and led Stefan away, leaving Jo with Elena and Damon.

"Elena, I just wanted to apologize for my earlier behavior-" Damon began, ignoring Jo's presence in the room.

"Already forgotten." Elena said, though it was obviously not forgiven.

"Still, no excuses. Stefan brings out the worst in me. Ever since Katherine-"

"You said no excuses. And if I'm being honest with you? I don't care about whatever happened with you two and Katherine. I am not her. And I will not be manipulated to get between you and Stefan." Elena said in a tone harsher than Jo imagined the girl capable of.

"It was nice meeting you." Elena said to the blonde as she strut out of the room with grace Jo would never manage in heels.

"Sorry about that." Damon said, taking several steps so he stood next to Jo, invading her personal space. Jo refused to look at him and instead focused on the faded cursive words on the document in front of her.

"You seem to apologize a lot. Do you ever mean it?" Damon did not answer. "That was rude, my bad. My social skills are a bit rusty."

"You said you wanted to learn about Mystic Falls history. Do you know what this is?" Damon said, pointing at the document. Jo shook her head, a strand of pale gold falling from her braid. "It is the guest list for the first Founders Party."

"Is that- Damon and Stefan Salvatore?"

"The original Salvatore brothers we were named after." Damon said and continued on his history lecture. Jo had always been a bit of a history nerd, it was one of the few subjucts in school she didn't despise. "The Salvatores were practically royalty in this town before the war."

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