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After the Dragon Games and the ordeal with Crystal Winter's dad, the Snow King, things were back to normal for the students at Ever After High except for a certain few. Specifically, Princess Apple White, Prince Daring Charming and Princess (and knight) Darling Charming. Things between them were in a word, strange.

At first, when Daring found that he in fact wasn't the prince of destiny and wasn't the one who would complete Apple's story, he was crushed and confused and angry. Crushed because he felt as if his entire life was a lie. Confused because his page in the Storybook of Legends would have said that he would be the one to be in Apple's story, right? And angry at his sister for stealing his moment, his destiny, his... life. Okay, angry was a bit of an exaggeration but he had felt cheated. Though, after having spent time with Rosabella Beauty, he was fine with not being Apple's prince charming. In fact, he didn't even really want to be Apple's prince anymore. He finally found someone who he felt he could be happy with. The two princesses on the other hand, were faring much differently.

Apple had no idea what to do. A princess charming? How in the kingdom was she supposed to stay true to her story and marry DARLING CHARMING? Another princess and great friend! How could Daring's kiss not work? They were meant to be together forever after! They were the most royal heirs in the kingdom which made them the perfect power couple! How could Darling be her true love? How could this have happened?

    Darling was extremely happy that she got to prove herself as someone who could save a damsel as opposed to being one though she wished she could have done something more heroic than giving one of her friends CPR but in her own eyes (and now hopefully everyone else's) she was considered a hero nonetheless. Darling felt terrible that she had driven a wedge between Apple and her big brother even though she didn't exactly understand why. It wasn't like this was going to affect their relationship much. Apple and Daring never really clicked like that and it was clear to everyone that no matter how cute they looked together, they would never really be happy married to each other as planned. If anything, this helped them. Now, they would be free to date other people without having to feel like they were betraying their destinies. So when this blew over, she and Daring would continue being brother and sister and she and Apple would still be friends, right?

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