Chapter Eleven : Chicken .. Chicks

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Leona's POV ...

(after a few weeks)

well..I still got bullied and there's no one at home..why? cause they went to my aunt's funeral ...for 3 months..

3 months for a funeral? sounds like avoiding me to be honest...

and the bullying gets worse everyday..I thought as I walked through the school hall..

I heard chatting and heard this specific thing..

'Chicken is better than that chick who said she would die for you. Chicken actually died for you. Chicken is true love.'

That is funny ..Yet true..True love ain't real unless he's willing to actually die for you..

then a boy came up to me with sparkling blue eyes and brunette hair..

" heyy! where is the office ?" he asked.

Louie once said I sounded like a dying cat if I talked..

now, we wouldn't wanna scare this new boy to death with my dying cat voice now do we?

so I just pointed the way to the office..

"urm..don't you talk?" he asked.

I nodded which meant I do talk..

"then why aren't you talking to me?" he asked again.

I shook my head and kept on walking..then I heard a loud BANG!

I spun behind and saw Terance smashing the new boy in the locker while whispering something which let his gaze on me..

I quickly ran and pushed Terance from the boy..

I don't want the boy to go through what I did with Terance and Louis..

"what the hell , Leona?!" Terance yelled..

"You don't have to bully EVERYONE who comes newly to this school you know!" I yelled.

Then Louie looked at me and smirked..

"Oh , look .. The dying cat has spoken.." he said as he came nearer to me..

Then a whip of confidence hit me in the face..

"Why don't you hear your own voice Louie? I bet even a dying pig would lose a challenge with you.." I told him.

"BURRRNNN" I heard someone yell at the back.

"what's gotten into you Leona? why so confident? need a whack in the head to remember your punishment?" Louie said ..

"You know what ? You both are and Terance
..why can't you guys go one day without making others life miserable ? You guys are the worst! " and that's when I got real deep and wanted to say a lot..

but I decided to just leave it short..

"You guys don't know what I've been through..Just because I'm the Lionel Messi's daughter doesn't mean I'm always happy ..." I said and left..

And once I was outside the school...

Someone grabbed my hand..

I-Its... Him

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