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For me to describe such an incredible individual in only words is such a struggle. I mean I've given you a standard description of Luke but that doesn't cover half the opinion on him I really have. He's the first individual I can fully speak my mind to without a struggle or thought into the words I speak. Observant to all that goes around him and the most open mind I've ever come across. It's crazy how much beauty is in every word he speaks yet he's so naive towards how wonderful his existence is as a whole. I specifically remember one afternoon sitting with him in this park down from our school, we were smoking cigarettes and discussing nihilism and angsty teen standard thoughts. The topic of our life's came up and he started discussing the first girl to shatter his heart and how he opened up to her and for her to just throw it back into his face and to say it meant absolutely nothing. Those words broke my heart to hear as such a precious wonderful being such as him would have to go through such hurt and pain but as they say the best people in life have it most difficult and that line to me describes him perfectly. He may see himself as nothing but worthless and fucked up but if only he knew how much potential and capability he has to offer the world in my eyes he's one of the most intelligent and wise humans I've come across. By the amount I'm ranting on about him you'd begin to think I'm in love with this individual but I'll tell you now love is the last thing I'd like to enter with this individual because that would ruin the illogical mind connection we have and to put our friendship on the line would be utterly idiotic as that is something I wouldn't dream of doing. He may be appealing in absolutely every way and although the urge striked me at first I'm glad it never came to that. I decided at the age of 30 I would have saved up thousands of dollars to waste on the strongest and deadliest narcotics and I'll go out in a blaze and glory in a night I'm surely not going to remember, Luke is the only individual I could see myself going through this with and when this day comes he'd be the one person I'd gladly go down with.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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