Part 13

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as usual our manager pair me up with Jungkook as we make our seats to meet our fans,  I look to Jhope hyung direction and he smiles at me I smile back and seat to my chair I keep repeating to myself  that "ok this is it please ignore him this is for the best just please ignore him". I came back to my senses as our manager told us that we will start in any minute.

Through out the fan meeting I didn't even spare a glance to jungkook who sits besides me, sometimes he talks to me or just poke my shoulder with his pen but I pretend that i didn't notice at all. Eventually he give up...

I keep myself busy by talking to our fans or getting selca...

after  2 hours our fan meeting ended 

as I head towards the van the other members where already there all the seats were occupied except by the seats beside Jungkook and Suga hyung .

I quickly sat beside Suga Hyung and take out my phone to distract myself because I can tell that they all have this questionable expression in their faces, I know usually I even started a fight with V whenever he seats first beside Jungkook. I might sound desperate but I really want to be near with my little bunny. So this is all new to them. 

Suddenly my smartphone vibrate its a sign that I got new message

from: imurhopeurangelhobihobi \(^_^)/

to: fluffychimchimchim

"if you just tried to lift your face just a second to see their faces you will laugh to yourself as hard as me...THATS EPIC HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

to: imurhopeurangelhobihobi \(^_^)/


" I know that's why I didn't do it hahahahaha "


I keep chatting to Jhope hyung all the way back to our dorm as time goes by maybe because of the long trip and I'm also tired I didn't notice  that I fell asleep and ended up my head lean to Suga Hyungs shoulder....

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