Part 30

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"namjoon hyung ill be out can you tell our manager for me? jimin ask

why where are you going? 

I have to meet chanyeol I have 30 minutes left to go to our meeting place.

But Ji--
(closed door)

namjoon didnt even finish his sentence when jimin left to meet chanyeol

after that all of the members heard a loud bang coming from jungkooks room.

what happen?-v

i dont know im clueless..!!!- jhope

lately jimin and chanyeol always hangs together - yoongi

and that is the reason why jungkook always looks so mad they didnt even talk for a week- jin

my ship its not sailing oh my God- jhope


jimin??  answer me why are you with chanyeol?  jungkook ask jimin because the latter did not utter any single words


now his telling me why im with chanyeol but he didnt even give a shit on what i am thinking right now when his with that girl that he was kissing a while ago. His so insensitive'- jimin thought to himself

jimin look up to chanyeol asking for help

chanyeol get the message and quickly drag jimin out of the scene. But before jimin and chanyeol pass jungkook, jungkook immediately grab jimins hand. 

For a moment they keep silent. Jimin and Jungkook stare intently into each other until Jimin shook off his hands and walk away from jungkook.

(at the clinic)

tell me jimin..-chanyeol

tell you what?  jimin

are you and jungkook a thing?  chanyeol

what do you mean?  jimin

i mean more than a friend, not in a brotherly way but in a romantic way?  chanyeol

jimin eyes wide open because of chanyeol statement

you know you can tell me everything ive been through there too,  just to make you comfortable i will share you a secret...

me and baekhyun are in a relationship.. - chanyeol

really?  oh my God!!! CONGRATULATIONS !!! -jimin

so now tell me the truth are you and jungkook a thing?  chanyeol

honestly i dont know, i really dont know what is jungkook real feelings for me but me am 101% sure that I love him. -jimin

jimin didnt notice the tears that escaping in his eyes. Chanyeol feels sad and pity for jimin because he can see the hurt in jimins eyes everytime he mentions jungkooks name.

from the moment on jimin and chanyeol always hangs together, the members didnt know that jimin just receiving advice from chanyeol whenever they hang out together.

Present (ISAC 2017)

Jimin and Chanyeol walk hand in hand while laughing into each other

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Jimin and Chanyeol walk hand in hand while laughing into each other.
That scene didnt escape jungkooks sight.

Jungkook's POV

to be continued

(sorry im lazy bit*h) XD XD

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