Part 29

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No ones pov

The boys came 5 hours earlier for the show. They immediately look for their designated room and do their make-up

Guys I know that we have than this before but I want everybody to always give their best as if it was our first time ok? Namjoon

Of course hyung !!! Jhope

We love army so we always give our best !!! Taehyung

Ok lets go !!! Ba ba babangtan!!!
"everybody shout

Jungkook Pov

While performing I need you, I keep on looking to Jimin damn his sexy but innocent at the same time. The way his body move into the song makes me wanna pin him into the bed again. Damn jungkook calm your hormones your at middle of the performance you can get him later..

Adlib part.

Now its my chance. I immediately go to his direction and smack his butt. He look startled but when he see my face he gets red. I create a heart into my fingers show it to him and to the fans so no one will suspect. Well the fans know me that I touch the butt of the members when Im nervous so they think its just the same this time but aside to kookmin world, when I watch youtube and find her channel damn theres alot of subtle moments that me myself didnt realize until that youtuber analyze it. Thanks to her I've notice some of Jimins effort. (I love kookmin world so yeah hahaha ^_^)

By the end of our performance I look at Jimin and mouth *saranghaeyo* but he didnt get it. Hahahaha


I immediately go to our room and change coz I dont like to be sticky I sit to the sofa and without me knowing I fell asleep


Where is Jungkook? Suga

I bet he go back to dressing room you know that kid he doesnt like to be sticky." Jin

I'll go check on him." Jimin

Jimin Pov

On my way to the dressing room I keep on thinking what was Jungkook mouth a while ago, is that saranghaeyo ? I dont want to.make my hopes up but we already past the.limit and those three words are just.left to be official.

Im about to knock but the door so I.just go inside

and my heart just die by the sight of jungkook and a girl

My world stop I cant think.straight jungkook's back facing me while the girl sit in his lap.

I immediately run out of the room and go to the nearest restroom I cried my heart out..why am I not enough?

Because Im a guy?

I cant win over a girl. Im so delusional, our shared kiss what was that for?

Is he playing with me?


I love him so.much why did he do this to me?


Hello? Are you okay? I heard someone knock on my cubicle

I immediately wipe my tears and open the door.


Jimin? Why are you crying?

Ahmm its my-- tummy (heart) its aching. I lied

Lets go I bring you to the clinic. I know they have it here in case there's an accident while performing. Chanyeol

I just nod and go with him

He put.his arm around my shoulder to support me because I cant walk straight and keep my head low.


Jimin? Chanyeol?

Oh no not now I dont want to see him

Why are you together?

When I look up I see Jungkook and that girl behind him.

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