Part 32

568 13 8

Jungkook POV

Are you okay..? i heard my angel asking but to my dismay those questions are not for me but Chanyeol..

I can feel that my eyes are getting watery so I stand up as fast that I can and go to the comfort room.

Jhope POV

I saw jungkook stand up and rush to somewhere else.  I saw a glimpse of his face his about to cry my heart was broken because his hurt.. what the fuck is happening this is too much. I dash over to Jimin and grab him away from everybody

What the fuck is wrong with you? I ask Jimin

Ouch Hyung that's hurt..

yaH!!  I thought you and Jungkook are getting deep into your relationship what happen?!


tears..  why is he crying?

hey.. what is really going on?

Jung..kook his just playing with me hyung.. Jimin now is a crying mess

Huh.. why?  what?

I saw her with a girl and they are kissing..

wait did you confront Jungkook?

what for? we are not in a relationship..what will be his responds if I confront him..that we are just friends that its me who assumes again..
(this two brats they are just kids afterall pride vs pride i dont want to get mad to jungkook because I dont have any proofs that Jimins accusation is true).

I have a question for you Jimin?

What it is Hyung?

Don't you trust Jungkook?

I.. I trust him hyung

Then why dont you talk to him?


Because what?  that he will lie to you?  I thought you trust Jungkook.. why give up so easilly.. you've waited for this moment for too long.. dont waste your chance.

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