Family Issues.

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When I woke up, I didn't want to get up at all. I could stay in the position of having Anastasia in my arms forever. She had her head on my chest with the blanket all the way up to her chin. Her hair was everywhere. And she held onto me tight. I tried to get out the bed but she whined, holding me tighter.

I didn't want to wake her up but I had to use the bathroom. I tried to move again and she whined again. "Baby I have to use the bathroom." I whispered.

"I don't care. It's too early to get up. Go back to sleep." she mumbled. I frowned.

I finally just pulled out of her grasp and went to the bathroom. "I hate you." I heard her say. "I love you too." I said as I flushed the toilet. I washed my hands and went back into the bed. She put her arms back around me and laid her head on my chest. I kissed her forehead and we went back to sleep.


Once I was officially up, Anastasia was still in bed with me. I looked at my clock and it was 11:34am. She's usually up by now. Something isn't right. She's not normally like this. I looked down at her and her eyes shot open and she ran to the bathroom and closed the door.

"Shit." she said.

I sat up and walked to the bathroom door. "Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine." she told me.

"Anastasia what's wrong?" I was confused.

"Nothing. Just please pick me out something to wear." she said.

"Where are you going?"

"No where Michael just get me some clothes." she had a attitude in her voice.

Oh shit! She's on her period!

I heard her turn the shower on and she locked the bathroom door. I got her a pair of sweatpants and a shirt with her cute little panties and bra. I noticed how childish she was. Her panties and bras had smiley faces on them.

When she came out the bathroom she looked at the clothes and then looked at me.

"Really? Sweatpants?" she frowned.

"I thought girls always wear sweatpants when they're on their period." I said.

"Yeah but not when they have family coming over and they have a whole day ahead of them." she said going back into her closet. She pulled out some dark blue jeans and a plain black shirt. I laid back down and watched her take care of herself.

She flat ironed her hair and then put it in a high bun. She put on her white Nike shoes and then looked at me.

"Sorry, I just--"

"You don't have to explain baby. I understand." I said.

She nodded, sat down in a chair and played on her phone. I took my shower and then put my clothes on. I tried to match Anastasia but I was wearing Levi's instead of just any ordinary jeans. I put on my black t-shirt and I put my chain on. I slipped on my all white Nikes and then sprayed my cologne. I looked at Anastasia but she was too deep into her phone to look at me. I went into her box full of accessories and pulled out her golden necklace that she never wore. I walked behind her and put it around her neck. She looked down at the necklace and then smiled.

"You can't wear a black t-shirt without some type of necklace ma. Or any shirt. Start wearing necklaces." I said.

She nodded and we walked downstairs. Jameer was on the couch, once again.

He was watching tv and eating cereal. "How do you even be getting in here?" Anastasia asked.

"I got the key to the house." he said. I went to the kitchen and pulled out some pancake mix, eggs, and bacon.

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