Chapter 11

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Three months later

Niall wakes up with a sigh. Today is the day. He rolls out of bed and takes a quick shower before getting into his best outfit and walks over to Trinity's bedroom. He sits on the end of her bed and slightly nudges her. "Trinity, baby, it's time to wake up. We have to be there  nine." Trinity sits up and rubs her eyes tiredly.

"Sleep more daddy." Niall shakes his head at his fice year old daughter.

"Sorry baby, you need to be there. You know how important this is." Trinity nods and goes to her closet and points to her  dress.

"Want this one." Niall hands it to Trinity and leaves the room when Trinity tells him to. When they're both dressed, Niall picks Trinity up and puts her in her carseat before driving off.


"All rise for the honourable judge." Everyone in the courtroom rises and waits for the judge to sit before they all take their seats. "Case between Horan and Porter for custody of their daughter." The judge looks between the parents.

"Mr. Horan, you've have full custody of your daughter her entire life, is this correct?"

"Yes your honour." The judge then turns to Melanie.

"Where have you been then? And why do you want her now?" Melanie clears her throat.

"I've explained to him several times what happened." The judge cuts her off.

"I don't care that he knows, I want to know." So Melanie explains everything to the judge, word for word what she told Niall in the hospital. The judge nods her head.

"Your daughter is five years old, did you ever think about her needs? Her father is in a boy band that travels all over the world. She grew up without a mum. She could have used you her entire life." Melanie goes to say something, but the judge interrupts her. "Let me finish. Do you even know your daughter?"

"More than her own father." Niall snickers in his chair. The judge notics and turns to him.

"Something funny, Mr. Horan?"

"Yes your honour. Melanie doesn't know my daughter at all." The judge thinks for a minute before speaking.

"Can Trinity speak? Is that okay?" Niall nods his head and sees Zayn stand up with Trinity in his arms. Zayn sets her in the seat before sitting back down again. The judge leans over her stand and smiles down at Trinity. "Can I ask you some questions sweetheart?" Trinity lools to Niall for confirmation, who nods his head. The judge returns the nod before continuing. "Trinity, can you tell everyone your first and middle name?"

"Trinity Jane."

"And who's last name do you have?" Trinity gets a big smile on her face.

"My daddy's name. Horan."

"Trinity, can you tell us who you live with?"

"My daddy. And sometimes my baba when we have sleepovers."

"Your baba?" Trinity nods before pointing to Zayn. "Baba. My baba." The judge looks to Zayn.


"When we were put into the grouo, I became closes to Niall, and Niall already had Trinity. So, she grew up with me around a lot. I've become like another parent to her and in some Middle Eastern cultures, the kids would call their dad baba." The judge turns back to Trinity.

"Is there anything else you want to say, dear?" Trinity looks at the judge with an innocent and curious look.

"I'll get to go home with my daddy, right?" Zayn stands and gets Trinity before sitting down again.


"Miss Porter, can you tell me your occupation?" Melanie is currently sitting in the stand.

"I'm a model at Starr Agency located in Milan Italy."

"And how would you be able to take care of Trinity if you're a model?"

"How is Niall able to take care of Trinity if he's a part of the world's biggest boy band?"

"Just answer the question Miss Porter."

"I'd make sure she's taken care of. I want to spend my life with my daughter. I'd let her be a model if she wanted or a dancer. I'd give her anything. I would take more days off of work to be with her. I'd take her to work with me. I just want to be with my daughter." Niall is then called to the stands to answer the same question.

"I can't just not go to work, but I spend all my time with her. She comes to the studio with us whenever she wants to, I was talking to my mum eaelier and we decided that she's old enough to travel with us. She was going to come on tour with us. I hate leaving her home when I'm traveling." The judge lets him leave and calls for a recess.

"We'll have the jury decide."


"Has the jury reached a verdict?" One of thebjurers stand from their seat.

"We have your honour."


"In the case of Horan vs Porter, we the jury rule that Trinity Jane Horan, be sent to live with her mother until the age of eighteen."

"What?!" Niall stands quickly from his chair.

"You can't take my daughter from me! She's all I have. Please!" Melanie turns back and smiles at Trinity.

"You're coming home with me honey." Trinity jumps from Zayn's lap and runs to Niall.

"Daddy." Niall holds his daughter tightly as tears fall freely down his face.

"We still have to go home and pack your things, so I'll make sure to put all of your numbers in your bag so when you get a phone you can call us, okay?" Trinity nods her head with tears down her face.

"Case dismissed." Everyone leaves the courthouse and silently climbs into their cars before they all head to Niall's flat. They soon get there and stop in the hallway to hug Trinity tightly.

"Make sure you don't forget us Trinity. We love you very much." They all go to Trinity's room and each pack a bag for her. They hear someone at the door and Liam goes to answer it. Niall takes this as a perfect opportunity to quickly but neatly write down all of their numbers including all of the parents.

"Call any of these numbers if you want to talk okay?" Trinity nods and looks to see Liam and Melanie in the doorway. Liam walks over and picks Trinity up and holds her to his chest.

"I love you Trinity Jane, so very much. Don't forget Uncle LiLi, okay?" Trinity lightly laughs as she continues crying.

"Never forget." He sets her down and watches as she runs back to Zayn. Niall walks over to Melanie, his face red and puffy.

"I don't know why you're doing this but you're destroying a family." He points to Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Harry all hugging Trinity whilst they all cry. "I hope you're happy with yourself." Melanie gives Niall a little smirk before turning to the group.

"Let's go Trinity. We have a long flight." Everyone grabs a bag, except Niall who takes Trinity, and loads it into Melanie's car. With a final goodbye, Melanie drives out of Niall's driveway leaving four lads to help a brokenhearted Niall into the house. Trinity, on the otherhand, continues to look back at the window hoping to still see her daddy or baba or even her uncles, but has no luck. Melanie looks in the rearview mirror and sighs. "Trinity, baby, it'll be okay. You'll love Italy."

"Wanna stay in London with daddy and baba."

"No baby. No daddy or baba or London. Just you and mommy in Italy."


I'll edit it later, but I hope you like this. Summer is here so I want to update more often and bring back all of my other stories too. See you in the next update! :)


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