Chapter 16

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A/N: Guys, Daddy Niall has hit 42 THOUSAND reads. I'm crying right now. That means so much to me, you have no idea. I love you all so much. Thank you for reading this story. I can't even put it into words, so here's another update. If you couldn't tell, that's Coen, Liam's little boy, in the media. Isn't he adorable?


Four days later

Trinity wakes up to hear loud giggling and running feet downstairs. She looks at the clock beside her and groans when she sees it's only a little after eight, on a Saturday. She throws her duvet to the side and goes to sit up when she sees her door open and Coen runs through with a smile on his face. "Trinny, come play with me?" Trinity goes to answer but Liam runs in before she gets a word out.

"Coen, bud, let Trinny sleep. It's still early." Liam looks over and gives Trinity an apologetic look. "Sorry sweet heart. I didn't want him to disturb you." She waves her hand at him and shrugs it off.

"No worries. I was awake anyway," she lies, and Liam knows it too. He picks Coen up and walks back toward to the door.

"We'll let you get ready for today. Your dad has something planned for the four of us. So, get ready and meet us down there." Trinity nods and waits for them to leave before she jumps from her bed and walks over to her closet where she picks out a pair of black leggings and a flannel that goes to her mid thigh. She brushes her hair and teeth before quickly changing and walks into the hallway. After only getting lost twice this time, she walks down the stairs and sees her dad, Liam and Coen all in the sitting room. Coen is the first one to see her and runs over to her with a big smile one his face, his brown and blue eyes shining with excitement. He hands her one of his toys that is in his hand before running back over to Niall. He, also, hands Niall a toy and giggles loudly when Niall starts goofing around with the toy. Trinity walks over and hugs her dad and says a light good morning before heading into the kitchen and grabs her favourite mug and pours her favourite tea in it. As she walks back into the sitting room, she can't help but ask herself why Liam and Coen are there so early, but decides against it for now. She takes a seat between Niall and Liam and watches Coen throw different toys around the room. Niall turns towards Trinity and throws an arm over the back of the couch.

"I decided that we'd head to the zoo today. If that's okay with you. Liam wants to take Coen because he's old enough to know what's going on." Trinity nods her head with a huge smile. Melanie would never let her go to the zoo in Italy; she's not even sure there was a zoo in Italy, but it's still the point. "You use to love going to the zoo, so I figured why not start somewhere that you use to go to all the time when we had off." Trinity sets her mug onto the table in front of her before turning toward Niall.

"Sounds great, daddy. Is it okay if I wear this?" Niall looks at her strangely before looking at her outfit and nods.

"Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be? You use to wear that all the time." She was going to bring up about how Melanie would never let her wear this in public, something about being in the public's eye and needing to look on top of things, but she decided against it. She can see her dad is happy that she's home and she won't ruin that for anything.

"I just wanted your opinion on it. I thought it looked bad is all." Coen runs over to Trinity and hands her another toy, so she sits on the ground in front of him and starts making the toy talk to him in a weird voice that has Coen giggling in seconds. Niall and Liam observe from the couch with smiles on their faces, both happy to have someone in their lives to look up to them, more than just as people in a band, but people who took care of them their whole lives. Neither of them would change anything in their lives. An hour goes by before Niall and Liam call the kids to get their shoes on so they can head to the zoo. Coen soon starts to ask what a 'sue' is, but Trinity explains that a zoo is where they can go and see all different animals from monkeys to giraffes which leads to Coen asking about lions and if there are puppies in the 'sue'. The trip is about twenty minutes away from Niall's place, which gives them enough time to be there before the zoo actually opens. When they arrive, Trinity help Coen out of the car and takes his hand so they can follow Niall and Liam to the entrance. When Liam asks if Coen wanted on his shoulders, Coen refuses and states he wants to stay with Trinny to see the animals. So, Niall and Liam keep a close eye on the two kids as they walk around and Trinity explains to Coen what the animals are and the sounds they make. About ten minutes into their visit, a group of girls recognize Trinity and walk over to her with a shy smile.

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