Prologue: What's Your Name?

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*QUICK MY INNOCENT READERS LOOK AWAY FROM THIS GIF* - I should've thought this through.

(BEFORE READING: I know the story starts off with smut, but do not misjudge and assume the entire story ONLY glorifies "dirty". Be open-minded and continue to give it a read. 😊)

[this is the 1st story of a series. You can read it as a stand-alone if you wish to. However, if you're interested in the whole series, the books are numbered on my account! Thank you for taking the time to read!]

February 18, 2012. One year before Bangtan Sonyeondan debut.

You whimpered, face scrunching as your shoulder blades caved in, body unstable and shaking against the cold bathroom stall wall behind you.

Hugging onto the shoulders of the 18 year old boy before you, you moaned, wrapping your legs around his drunk form tightly, trying not to slur yourself when talking over at him. It was barely much talking however, the constant moans and harsh breathing getting in the way of the two of you trying to speak.

"Wha-" you moaned, loudly, trying to dwell in the moment of the stranger before you making you feel amazing. It had been a mess at first, sloppy and disorganized. The boy even struggled to put on a condom you safely provided.

You remembered giggling when he cursed, fumbling innocently and cutely with the condom as he tried to get it on him. When he juggled with it for a bit, you burst out laughing when it had dropped straight into the toilet. Watching the reddened man try to fetch it from the toilet, you shook your head, taking hold of him.

"It's okay," you had said drunkenly, giggling as you lightly kissed the boy you had been flirting with the entire time at the club, "we'll be fine."

He nodded, smiling before instantly dipping his head down to kiss you. It didn't help how just the simple stare from this man landed your legs to shake. He was young and youthful the both of you.

But now here you were, condom-less and immature. Irresponsible and unaware from the dangers of what no protection could hold. Losing to the temptations of simply wanting each other's drunk forms, you were up against the bathroom stall, whimpering as he didn't hold back.

Giggling as a squeaky moan escaped you while he increased suddenly. Your legs failed to stay on him well, all of you wanting to fall and collapse.

Muscles tightening around him, your eyes squinted shut, teeth almost tearing at your bottom lip as you tried not to scream out in pleasure.

The boy grunted, head sinking into your neck. He moaned when spilling into you.

Both breathing hard, you stuck together, hugging one another tightly and lamely.

The boy sunk a little, eyes blinking slowly as the sudden wave of tiredness hit him. Nose by your collarbone, you felt him take in deep breaths, wanting to stay in the warmth of your scent forever.

It was an easing scent.

"What's your name?" he asked gently causing your stomach to flutter.

You were out of breath. Moving your hand over his hair, almost petting at it, you found yourself to grow used to the action. Noticing the way he moved into your touch cutely, you knew he liked it.

"Y/N," you breathed out gently, tugging lightly at his hair so his eyes would meet yours. When they did, you taught yourself how to breath all over again.

The boy smiled.

"I'm Hoseok," he said lightly, a small tired peering onto his face, eyes glazed over drunk, "Jung Hoseok."


Present Day


"Ah, annyeonghaseyo," the deep voice sang out happily as he smiled on the TV, "it's your Hope. Your angel~"

Your chest gave out of air when seeing the channel you had accidentally slipped on. Jaw clenching at the sight of the Hoseok on the television, you didn't think twice before changing the channel quick. You hadn't seen his face on TV for a while now, the sudden surprise making your heart ache.

The flip of the channel made a confused voice chime from next to you. The head of the little form snuggled into your arm, trying to wrap himself under the blanket that you had around the both of you.

"I want to watch the angel," the little boy giggled out, trying to play around with you when wanting to switch back to the channel that intrigued him.

Hoseok intrigued him.

"No sweetie," you sang out, panicking a little, "let's watch cartoons instead."

The boy was about to protest but when you flipped towards his favourite channel, your motherly aura took it's course when immediately growing relieved over the little boy getting distracted.

Moving your hair through his dark black hair, you smiled when the boy smiled hugely and cuddled into you further. Moving into your touch, your son liked when you pet his hair...

"You ready for your birthday?" you asked sweetly, smiling genuinely when seeing the sleepy boy lean on you.

"I'm excited," the boy chimed, giggling tiredly.

You nodded, grinning. "My baby's going to be four!" you softly yelled, noticing that he was starting to fall asleep. He forced his dark eyes open however, not wanting to leave you hanging and alone on the couch.


You kissed your son's forehead.

Watching him drifting off to sleep, your eyes slowly darted over all of his face. His slightly puffy cheeks being the most adorable things ever. Petting at his hair, when his breathing evened, you tried not to think of the similarities between the boy and his father.

...the father that abandoned the both of you when he promised he'd stay.

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