Chapter 28: I Quit

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Your face was everywhere. Websites, social outlets, gossip columns, and probably also the dark web where potential hit-men were hired to assassinate you. All this chaos, all this wrongful fame in one day. One day, and you could feel your career slipping through your fingers.

Surprised none found enough money in their pockets to be placing screenshots on billboards for the whole city to see, you sure felt like everyone knew who you were. Now, let's get this straight. There is two different types of recognition when it comes to social media, or dealing with idols in this industry in general. The good time, where people compliment you and your work as a woman, and the disgusting down spiral when a woman is forged into exaggerated sex scandals with famous idols.

Pictures of Hoseok and you were streaming viral. Your hair and body was visibly a mess, and so was his. No excuse could be forged when it came to seeing no other member leaving looking the house that way as the pictures caught your moments after a few hours with the father of your child.

But the media didn't know that. Instead, they painted you as some mysterious slutty attention seeker and made Hoseok seem like the innocent one to be accidentally warped up in your 'devlish plans'.

In the morning when everything first hit you, you were upset yes. But more so, you were saddened over the way society instantly targeted women to be the ones using the men in such scandals. The death threats, the hatred without knowing you, and the way fans and even older adults seemed to place their two cents in to what they think happened, it genuinely made you cry once you first found out.

It was a weird process for you. First, you were crying, devastated. Then you got angry, insanely angry. You received calls from friends, family, Kevin who was Laughing hysterically. Hell, you wanted to rip his throat out with your teeth through the phone as you hung up on him. But a few hours later, still locked in your hotel room, he called again and was serious and hearing you out at first—only to burst laughing again so quick. You cursed and cut him off completely. You blocked him and didn't even both to try and pick up Hoseok's multiple calls that directed your way.

You weren't mad at him for any of this. You just wanted to save him from the anger you felt.

From anger, you felt sadness. Just numbing sadness as you started crying hysterically again. You texted Hoseok in spams, called everyone you knew leaving disaster-filled voicemails and even unblocked Kevin. "Hello?" he had said, and you were wailing, inaudible as you cried in apology. "I'm sorry I blocked you I just can't stomach this information and-" he snorted in laughter.

You blocked Kevin again.

Crying to yourself, you were glad you had a friend like Kwon who listened to you curl up in a ball and melt away in suffering.

"I can't believe you slept with him."

"I woke up trying to wrap my head around that only to have this cluster-fuck occur," you whined, groaning as you were angry again.

Your emotions were growing wild with every hour.

"Where's Yeri?"

You sighed and the mention of your beautiful child. Now, the anger diminished and your lips puckered, eyes squinting. Placing the ugliest cry face known to man, you balled all over again.

"He's with PD Nim safe from all the crowds trying to get a word from Hoseok or the other members," you whined, "Aah, I shouldn't have gone there yesterday."

"You couldn't have known," your friend sighed. You could already hear the bitterness as she spoke, "I don't get why fans are so immature about idol's having a life? I mean, they aren't going to stay little single boys the rest of their lives."

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