Chapter 2

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Hareem :)

"Oww sensitive hearing here honey" He put his fingers in his ears as soon as my scream tore out of my throat.

He took a step forward and I reacted on reflex .I threw the baseball bat directly at him and dropped the knife on the bedroom floor, I sprinted towards the door. The last thing that I saw before running downstairs was that he caught the baseball bat with ease and followed me out .

I reached downstairs and my blood went cold in my body when I saw him sitting down on the sofa without a care in the world whistling. I stopped dead in my tracks and my eyes refused to believe the sight in front of me.

He sat crossed legs like a king. His posture screamed power and I took a step back

"What the.." I whispered in fear and his gaze zeroed on me. He smirked and his gaze shamelessly roamed through my body making me shiver

"I must say I have to apologize to my father for fighting him on this at first. You are quite a sight aren't you" He winked at me and I felt nauseated with fright. My heart was hammering against my chest wildly and I could still feel cold even with all the windows and doors closed

I ran to the front door when I saw black smoke which converted into him.

Did he just materialized in front of me???

Yes he effin did!!!!!

My mind registered the fact and I let out a blood curdling scream. He rolled his eyes and put his hands up in a surrendering motion

"Will you chill women. I am not going to hurt you" He took a step forward and that was enough to make me run like there was no tomorrow

I got into the kitchen and grabbed another knife as soon as I remembered that I dropped the other one in my room.

"Hey stop runni..." I heard his voice behind me and threw the knife at him abruptly turning around. The movement gave me a whiplash for a second and I tripped on my foot .I was about to land face first on the kitchen floor when a strong pair of arms caught me.

Its him


My instincts were ruling me at the moment and I kneed him hard where the sun doesn't shine.

"Oww"..He landed on the floor with me and we both fell with a loud thud

"Omphh" He landed on top of me and I pushed him with all my energy. God damn it he was heavy. I kicked him in his stomach and ran out of the kitchen

"That's it"!!! I heard his painful voice from the kitchen and suddenly he materialized in front of me ,before I could scream he caught me by the waist and put the other hand on my mouth

"Enough"!!!!! His voice boomed in the living room and the lights went out. I went still in his arms in pitch black darkness of the room as tears fell out of my eyes

I saw his eyes glowing a light golden in the dark and heard his voice

"That's enough. I will not tolerate such actions. Cut the bullshit and listen to me. I am not going to hurt you .I am your guardian. And if you so much as try to lay a finger on me now I can assure you the consequences won't be nice" It was like he was possessed by something ,I only saw his eyes in the dark. His voice was slightly changed but still deep and authoritative .A light white smoke surrounded him ,I felt his hold on me tightened as his eyes glowed to a deeper shade of golden and that was the last thing I saw before I drifted into the darkness

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