Chapter 9

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Salam and hello ....hope all is good. So here is another update people.Hope you like it .

Please don't forget to vote ,comment and share.

Pretty please.

And one more thing , I am turning the story to the writer's point of you from now on.Nothing else is changed.


Waiting for your support.


Hareem :)

Evangeline sat on the bed looking hopefully at Paras and she gave her a reassuring smile in return.

"Please promise me you won't tell anything about this to our King". The expression of fear was evident on her face.

"I'll never breath a word of it, I promise". Evangeline gently held her hand trying to comfort her from the forth coming devastation that she didn't knew herself was going to happen.

"Actually our King is the only child of his parents . When he was born there was a huge celebration in the kingdom, while the celebration a witch came and told everyone about the prophecy. It says that there will come a time when one witch will turn all of the other witches  against each other and then our King's mate will protect us all.His mate and his mate alone will be able to help us but in the process she'll die so to save her life our King will transfer all of his powers to her to save her life and give his own life for her. Which means in the end our King will die" Paras's voice became a whisper in the end and a sad look took place on her face.

Evangeline looked mutely at Paras trying to process everything that she said and felt her eyes burning for some reason.

Sure she hated Salvastro's guts but she never wanted him to die or give his life for her.Now way.

"Why didn't he tell me"? Evangeline asked still in shock .

"Because he didn't wanted to worry you about anything. Please don't breath a word of it to him or he'll detach my head from my body" Paras said in a scared voice.

"Don't worry. I will never do such a thing". Evangeline said smiling a bit to ease the girl's fear which were now rising up in her own self but for completely different reasons.

"Who will be the witch that will turn everyone against each other"?

"Nobody knows". Paras replied thinking hard about something

"Is the witch that told the prophecy still alive"? Evangeline asked curiously and Paras nodded.

"Yes, she is the best when it comes to prophecies". Paras replied confidently.

"What's her name"?

"Veronica". Came a swift reply and Evangeline gave Paras a questioning look.

"Can I meet her, in private"? Her tone was almost authoritative but still polite.Her question that she asked delivered her message itself that no matter what she is meeting her.

"Yes ,if you would like that". Paras respectfully replied.

"Please arrange my meeting with her and this is a secret between us.No one will know about this ok"? Evangeline glanced hopefully at Paras and she nodded.

"Off course my Queen".


Sitting alone in her room she thought about everything that happened so fast in such a little time. She stood up walking towards the window and opened it up feeling the cold breeze slapping against her soft milky skin.

Meeting Salvastro wasn't in her mind when she was living her normal daily life but now she felt like it was written before.

Having not so many people in her life made her kind of an introvert. School ,home work her mom and Sebastian were the alone things in her life. But she was comfortable with it the way it was.

Evangeline repelled drama.

Sensing movement behind her she turned around looking at Salvastro who seemed to be in a troubled mood.

He glanced at her and she gave him a small smile. There was no way in hell that she was telling him that she now knows about the prophecy.

Salvastro narrowed his eyes at her for a mere second then his expression turned back to normal.

"You busy honey bun"? He said smirking already knowing that these endearments irritate her to no end.

"No 'jerk face' I am not". She rolled her eyes at him and he gave her a dazzling smile showing her all his pearly white teeth.

"Good. From today I am going to teach you some self defense". He said getting rid of his coat. Evangeline eyed his bulging biceps for a few seconds then averted her gaze back to where she was looking before.

"Witches needs self defense"? She mocked with a hint of a question in her eyes and Salvastro shook his head in negative.

"Since you don't have your powers yet ,you have to learn how to protect yourself. Its not that everyone here including me can't protect you but we just want to be cautious about it. Safe side and all you know". He said standing beside her.The smell of his cologne went inside her nostrils making it hard for he not to close her eyes and smell it all in.

"Including you"? She repeated and a smirk settled itself on his face. He raised an eyebrow towards her and said.

"In all of that sentence you got this huh"?

"Shut up ass wipe".

"Ouch you hurt me babe".

"I don't want to learn any self defense Salvastro".

"You have to". His tone changed in a second ,it took an authoritative stance that said 'its final, end of discussion'.

"Tomorrow morning at seven Elphy". Just like that he returned back to his normal self or what we call 'putting on a good show'.

"Oh and sweetie wear something that shows your bum..I love it". He winked at her and Evangeline gritted her teeth.

"You are such a perv ,get out jerk before I rip your head off". She almost ran after him and he laughed loudly closing the door then she heard his muffled voice behind the door.

"With what? Your non existent magic? Oh poor Elphy". He chuckled walking away while Evangeline muttered profanities under her breath.

All feelings of guilt that rose up inside her after listening to the prophecy vanished away and the old Evangeline resurfaced immediately.

The next morning both of them were out in an open field to practice self defense.Lush green grass surrounded them .Evangeline looked up at the clear morning sky and took a deep breath.

"Oww I am disappointed". She heard his voice and turned around seeing him in only his shorts and her eyes widened at the sight of his almost naked body. She eyed his toned chest unintentionally and he caught it.

"Like what you see Elphy? I know no one can resist this". He motioned towards his chest and she rolled her eyes.

"Gross no". She scrunched her nose glaring at him and he winked at her devilishly.

"Lie all you want princess". He smirked looking at her and she sighed.

"Oh God, its going to be a very long day". She muttered and eyed the so called King who was making kissy faces at her.

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