Chapter 5

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Hey people ..i am back..Exams were a headache i swear..sorry about the late update but hey its a longggg one..I hope you guys enjoy it....

Please don't forget to vote and comment.......This is not edited..


Hareem :)

After profusely apologizing about staining Lily's carpet I was sitting in Seb's room with him looking at me like a hawk

Lily was a very generous women. Even after I stained her carpet with hot chocolate she didn't even frowned a bit. I apologized and she scolded me for apologizing. She said its fine but I felt so embarrassed

"Alright what the fuck is going on Evie" I heard Seb's voice and my train of thoughts broke into a million pieces

"Huh" I replied distractedly

"I asked what's going on not that I not appreciate you spending a night here. You know I love it when you come but on the other hand I am your best friend too and I can tell that you are hiding something. You don't seem you..You are distracted ,hell worried about something and as far as I can see you are scared. So spill it. Now" The tone of his voice made it clear that he is not going to let it go easily this time

"Its nothing" I tried but the he gave me a hard glare and I sighed

"Evie don't lie to me"

"I am not.."

"Yes you are" his voice raised an octave and I gave him a defeated look.

"There is..someone.." I pushed my hairs behind my ears nervously .He'll think I am crazy

"And"?? He came and sat in front of me on his bed. His elbows resting on his knees and the palm of his hand was resting on his chin

"There is someone after me" I decided to give it a try and tell him the truth and saw him frowned in confusion

"Who?? Is someone harassing you..Evie what the hell is going on" He looked like he was going crazy.I never wanted him to be worried about me. I had very few people in my life and I wanted them in my life more than anything.

"Its more like...I don't know him I just..He is..I don't know his name he says that he is my.." I was in the middle of my sentence when I heard a loud thud and the lights went out.

"Seb" I whispered in fear trying to grab his hand but my fingers felt the softness of the mattress and not a hard human frame.

Thump thump thud !!!

I froze as I heard the voices. Seb's place never had a power problem .I have never in my life seen lights going out at his place. It was the first time and it scared the hell out of me.

"Seb.. where are you" The big glass window in his room was wide opened and the air was coming harshly blowing the soft white curtain.

"Sebastian where are you ,this is not funny" My voice was shaking with fear as I got up from bed and took a hesitant step forward .I was practically blind right now. The darkness was too much it felt like it was seeping in me through my spine.

"Sebastian please this is really not funny" I was on the verge of crying. I took a few more steps realizing that I was may be standing in the middle of his room. Moonlight was coming inside from the open window giving the room a scary and spooky look

I took another step and bumped into a hard and firm chest. I gasped loudly and when I tried to take a step back a firm hold caught my wrist and jerked me forward ,my head bumped into a chest and my mouth opened up for letting out a shriek but said instead.

The Messed Up GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now